Stockers profile picture


London calling to the faraway towns

About Me what it says down there. It says I'm pretentiously academian, and who are we to argue with what internet quizes say?As you can probably tell, sarcasm is a natural state of being for me =), although it does take a lot, I think, to piss me off...
But bahumbug.Also, I'm not scrooge, I love Christmas, but I happen to love the phrase 'bahumbug' even more.So here's the thing, Cush is better at poetry than me:"Cush and stock oo they really rock cush misses her stock so shes counting down the clock til she see's young davey and they can have a ravey!"And here's another thing, I should be doing this when I'm actually awake enough to be able to think coherently, and in a logical order. Though I guess if I did, it'd never get done...ah well...tragic...Um...Likes: Parties where nothing goes even slightly wrong (HAHA...I know, what a strange idea), Books (on interesting subjects...rather than school shiz), having time/effort to read omething without having to anaylse it, laughing, when people you don't know smile at you in the street, random hugs with no justification whatsoever, when a great song comes on the radio, when people saying 'Good Morning' with genuine enthusiasm without the creepy accompanying face.Dislikes: Um...I don't really DISlike anything really...tbh...some things do drive me up the wall though...wilful ignorance is the biggest one. Cos y'know, FFS, it won't kill you to just TRY and understand something that happens in the opposed to just saying "Fuck off, I don't care." Also, people who won't change their opinion no matter what. Well actually, that's not true, I don't mind them so much, cos at least they have faith in their convictions. Naw, it's the ones who have a view, won't consider any other angle, and try to force that angle on you. Anyway, that's enough of my rant. Odds are, you'll never need (or want) to talk to me on myspace, cos I probs already know you, unless you're one of those whore types who added me, or whom I added out of boredom (it happens - don't be too flattered! lol), and if that's the case, you probably won't ever want to talk. Which is stupid, but heyho, up to you.See you on the flipside (whatever that means...) Stockers x
These are my favourite animals:
How to make a Stockers
3 parts mercy
3 parts humour
1 part empathy
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of curiosity
David --
Pretentiously academian
Stockers --
Like in nature to a kangaroo
You scored as Bomb. Your death will be by bombing. You will probably be an innocent bystander, not doing anything wrong and not a person who was targeted at, just in the wrong place at the wrong time.







Cut Throat










Natural Causes









You scored as Angel. Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.












17%Hahahahaha...someone else who thinks I'm an angel. What a moron.
What is Your Inner Element?
The Element of Air
You are the Air that fills Earths' lungs, and what keeps life grounded. The most intellectual of all elemental signs, you could hold a conversation all night with out ever losing your parties interest. You are highly versatile, and extremely adaptable to new situations. Highly opinionated, you often try to get others to follow your views. You love the arts, and are probably very artistically inclined yourself. You love everything that beholds beauty, and you seek out harmony with every aspect of your life. You are the life of any party, you could talk for hours about any subject! Being the element of Air you are: assertive, independent, progressive, analytical, original, inventive, strong dislikes, and firm opinions. Things to be cautious of: you are prone to accidents while traveling, especially while in the Air, fickle nature at times-which angers some, you often misjudge things/issues, you have problems with love due to the fact that you are too indecisive and at other times are too easy to fall in love, which causes anger and disappointment, you are often under attack by narrow-minded people because of innovation, unconventional ways of life, and eccentricities, and you also have a tendency to get into unusual situations and make friends with some "oddball individuals."
You Are Fossil Fuel Ice Cream
What does liking "fudge dinosaurs" say about someone?

My Interests

My mates!!!!
(In no particular order)
Corder - "The Best Mate" who has been changed and given emotions by Kat LOL. "So basically everyone

sucks but us?" "I think we can say that with only a moderate degree of arrogance." "Splendid."
Cush - "Franky the Dominant Glam Gran FC whom Stockers loves so so much" (She who runs around Dunmow Recreational *next few words are censored* in order to 'get closer to nature')
Cat - "Scout Buddy". (Who is NOT more innocent than me. ;) although we're both angels - blates.)
Kat - "War Lady of Illydis" (don't ask me...I don't get it either)*post-exam stress relief POODLE*
Rach - "Gorgeous Netball wizzkid" *She who is so hot she turns the practically gay guy straight* (That's not a very good attitude. Well that's not a very good face.)
Kim - "Evil Dark Fairy Queen of the Universe" (You bloody circumcision.)*Maths and D of E buddy!*
Alex - "Lanky" *badders buddy* (He's so tall.)
Sazzle - "The Dudette, Pixie Princess and Lady and Mistress of the Termiwindsor." *Deutsch et Francais Buddy*(Who managed not to explode on me on that evil evil Tuesday)
Rach (B) - "Little Bear" (The wonderful thing about tiggers...)
Rhys - "Sweep/The Bodyguard" (Dark Algernon)
Coupe - "Oh so musical" (She who rocks and has a great band THAT I WANT TO SEEEEEE.)
Amie - "Possibly the nicest person on the planet" *Y Dancing Partner* (Cos we're kool kids)"I don't do small talk."
Chloe (C) - "Love youuuuuuuuuu" *she who is so enamoured of David (Tennant)(Cunning...)
Chloe (R) - "The Bully" (It's not my fault! The child ran into me!) She has a witches cackle too *nods wisely*
Claire - "Thriftwood Buddy" *Berliner Buddy (she who broke the toilet...) (Kussen ist be mir nicht erlaubt.)
Joe (D) - "Idiot who cut part of his hand off" (Chavtastic)
Joe (W) - "Ex-Form Buddy" *Berlin Room Buddy*(Innit)
Tom (C) - "Whom the world would not allow to loose." *English Buddy* (My future Psychology business partner)"There's no such thing as rape, only surprise sex."
James - "Pirate Ninja" *SR Buddy* (Well, don't look at me like that! He said that's what he wanted there.)
Kristina (she who steals the hat) "Berliner Buddy!" "Offspring are ok..."

Talking, I can talk and talk and talk (as you may have noticed". Musicky stuff, even if i'm not very good at it. Reading + Writing, especially the writing bit. Languages, I love. Theatre stuff - Acting, Backstage, Script writing, editing, Cue Booking. That kinda stuff Also D of Eish stuff, always funny. Scheming...*evil look*

I'd like to meet:

Everyone. Really honestly, anyone, especially arty farty people, or crazy people, or quiet people or whoever. Go on, add me, you know you wanna!

I would love to meet these two. They are the bad idea bears. and they appear to make life so much better with their brilliant advice. I want them!
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Dido, MSI, Evanescence, Linkin Park, Disney, Offspring, GC, Wicked, Les Mis, Blink 182, Greenday, Sum 41, Linkin Park, Bob Marley, Alanis Morrisette, Bic Runga, Sarah MacLachlan, LotR, Bif Naked, Michelle Branch, Eva Cassidy...the list is endless...


Hero, Crouching Tiger;Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Ladies in Lavendar, Moulin Rouge, PotO, anything Disney - especially the Hunchback of Notre Dame, V For Vendetta, Matrix Revolutions, My Big Fat Greek Wedding.


Don't really watch much, Charmed is good though, and Stargate. God that sounds geeky.
Will and Grace is, in my opinion one of the funniest things that ever happened to the world. :) Skins, also, has become a great great event (someone buy me the DVD yeah?)


I just like books in general tbh...though there are some stunners: Pride and Prejudice Bonjour Tristesse Minuet Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West Birds Without Wings His Dark Materials (NOT, you will note, 'The Golden Compass', this book does NOT exist)


The stranger that makes eye contact and smiles at you in the street.And basically characters in books: Iago - Othello Jane - P&P Iorek Brynison/Serafina Pekala/Farder Coram/Xaphania/Lady Selmakia - His Dark Materials

My Blog

V for Vendetta - Valery

(You're gonna hate this if you don't like V for Vendetta - but it does say in the title what it's about. So ner.)    I know there's no way I can convince you this is not one of their tricks,...
Posted by Stockers on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 01:37:00 PST