Updates!! Check out The Last Gunslinger at Soundclick.com to hear all of TLGs first studio recording Droppin' Hits!
The Last Gusnlinger is a kick ass dark southern rock band from Tuscaloosa Alabama. The group was formed in April of 2003 and took a hiatus in April of 2005. The partial band reunited again on Halloween Eve 2006 for a show of epic proportions...sort of. From helping close down the chukker, 600 Studios, The Cave, Club XS, and possibly countless other clubs to making two of the most mind blowing records ever made, The Last Gunslinger did it all....and they did it well..and some say they still do.
The albums Droppin' Hits and The Hymnal are now available for purchase at The Last Gunslinger at Lulu.com
The Last Gunslinger is back! Well, on myspace anyways. This is the place to come for news about what former members of The Last Gunslinger are up to. But most importantly this site holds the link to our soundclick site where you can listen to and download all of the material ever recorded by The Last Gunslinger.
Check back soon for more information and goings on!
Rumor has it that a new album is in the works. This rumor has yet to be confirmed by the band.