-Sup? I'm Nick.
-I am not single. I'm dating a pretty rad girl named Rachel.
-I have an older brother named "Jones."
-I'm a graduate of CBHS, and I'm currently a sophomore at CBU majoring in chemistry/pre-pharmacy. I plan to minor in mathematics, biology, and possibly physics. I love learning, but excessive work sucks. I am currently debating whether to be a pharmacologist or a doctor. Definitely something with chemistry and math though!
-I love working out. I try to go to the gym several times a week.
-The Red Hot Chili Peppers are my all time favorite band, and, over the past few years, I've managed to learn nearly all of their songs on bass and guitar.
-I play bass and guitar in a band, Beta . I also play bass in a band called The Arms Race, and I play guitar for a third band. I can play guitar and bass equally well. I'm not the greatest player in the world or even a pro, but I aspire to be an adept and innovative player one day. I play funk, blues, alternative, and hard rock for those of you who are wondering.
-I'm usually in a pretty chill mood.
-I'm more of a listener than a talker until I really get to know someone.
-I like to help talk people through problems. At one point.
-I'm a pretty picky eater, but I've been branching out.
-I've never messed around with drugs or anything, and I feel very uncomfortable around people that do that stuff religiously.
-I used to ride BMX a long time ago.
-I love really colorful, trippy stuff.
-I am fascinated by the occult and paranormal. In fact, Ghosthunters and Ghost Adventures are two of my favorite shows.
-My Xbox live gamertag is Every STD 2.
-My AIM is BowToLeperMesiah. Just let me know who you are if you IM me.
-Very few people read "about me" sections, but if you read this, and you're curious to know more then hit me up; I'm usually pretty open.
John seems pretty down to earth:
...and this video of John Frusciante seriously made me potty myself: