Genuine Concern for my Family and Friends
Please take a moment to visit this site for friends and loved ones
I hope this link will raises awareness...
We have on our page today, an active guy who enjoys life. He's stable, kinda witty, somewhat humorous, adventurous in his own mind, and a pretty good dad. And all of this credit goes to my 15(going on 22)year old daughter...I actually came on here to see what she was doing and wound up trying this with her and enjoying the heck out of it...(My how the years fly)... My original goal here was to find friends from the past and meet 4 or 5 from each state across the United States...(Now look)...I try my best to connect and communicate with my friends when they are on-line...I post a few bulletins, provide a laugh or three, or pass on something informational or inspirational.
I also have an appreciation for the beauty, maturity, and sexiness found in the 40+ crowd of women... These ladies rock... I try to answer all mail and respond back too. We're all here to meet new friends...People intrigue me, and I think it's best to find something unique in everyone...We all have a story to tell, so let's take time to listen to our friends and enjoy what they have to offer...Share a smile or a kind word with someone and make it fun...
Click on the link below and test your speed...
Animal Awareness
I Love Critters