buzzcocks,zodiac killers,teenage head,the kids,music machine,the gears,the boys,dead ones rule too,hasil adkins,stray catz,the freeze,career suicide,gorilla biscuits,angry samoans,7 seconds,adolescents,dirtbombs,rip offs,marked men,Sonics,deadly snakes,cramps,woody guthrie,muddy waters,benny joy,wanda jackson,ronettes,the monks(ge & uk),the kidnappers,briefs,mind controls,devil dogs,the love me nots,jay reatard,groovie ghoulies,devo,clorox girls,vibrators,dead kings,mad sin,the tremors,the monsters,demonics,m.o.t.o,the shocks,carbonas......
(c'est pas ma faute s'ya encore des flingues sur cette affiche...) si gros calibres..pour un si petit cerveau..(Silentium)::;j.waters,the taste of tea,le doulos,lynch,bernie,jarmusch's Mystery train/coffee & cigarettes/down by law/Dead Man,sin city,transformers,psycho beach party,the vacuum killer,omagh,grinhouse's,hot fuzz....
...Chinaski,Gotlib,les idées noires(franquin),hunter st,run's mutafukaz,rat scabies and the holy grail, the goon,le roi des mouches (mezzo/pirus), madman ...
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