proofreading...prioritizing...poached eggs...quicksand...quaker oats...quartz...raccoons...rapunzel...ramada tuesday...underachievers...ultimatums...uggs...vagueness... valleys...vaults...water...whip cream...warrant (the band), malcolm...x, terminator...yo-yo's...yarn...yoke...zimbabwe...z-cavaricci' s...zippers
weird...i can't really think of anyone.
at this moment...built to spill, flaming lips, talib kweli, atmosphere, eliot smith, paul simon
i just watched american gangster - tell me something, is denzel like that in real life? cause he plays the same character in EVERY movie...think about it...they are all good performances, but they ARE ALL THE SAME!!!!
the office...idol (i know) sox...celtics...discovery channel in HD!
i just finished 'the power of one' - it was great. i have now moved on to 'zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance.' i have attempted this 5 times - i'll let you know how i do!update - it has sat in my bag for 2 months! haven;t read one more page.
most parents...especially the single mom's and dad's out here. parenting is hard enough with 2 people.