Our movie rating system is the most logical rating system in the world, Bean Burritos!!!----------------------------Bean Burritos, if done right, are the best tasting things on earth so why not use them in our rating system? Answer me that! That's what I thought! Ha.----------------------- Rating system as follows--------------------------4 Bean Burritos...a must see, watch, listen or visit...a must own!------------------------------- 3 Bean Burritos...highly recommended that you watch, listen or visit!----------------------------2 Bean Burritos...it was okay....not great but not terrible--------------------------------------1 Bean Burrito.........this sucked Donkey Dick! A total waste of time-----------------------------------Less Than a Bean Burrito or commonly known as Mild Packet of hot sauce......a total waste of time and if you watch it you are a worthless piece of crap like the worthless piece of shit this movie was!....we also add things on to make it extra special....like....a side of nacho cheese or sour cream or the wonderful tasting Potato Oles!-------------------------Most of our movies are based on the acting as a whole, the actors, the directing, the editing, the total watch factor or in my case...whether there were any spankable babes in it.-------------------------------------------------------- Movie, TV, and Music reviews updated almost daily! Hey we have lives too BITCHES!---------------------------------------------------- ------- Some Spankbank Babes: -----------------------------------------------------------