boyd. profile picture


the glass can only spill what it contains..

About Me

well, my full name is boyd alan lewis. i drink from the carton. i like to have different music playing in every room of the house. i break cell phones. alot. i lose things. alot. i like stinky, fat beagles named flash. i can't sleep with my socks on. I have found that I can draw energy from others, and I thrive in social situations. I do however think that I have an even balance between introversion as well. The reason I believe this is because of the fact that I am honestly just content, and would at times rather be left to think and work on my own, where I can focus on my thoughts and ideas. I like to think of myself as an individual who can and will do anything that I set my mind to. It really bothers me when I hear someone say “I can’t” or “I don’t know how”, because I have learned that there is no limit to what you can do if you just TRY. I definitely see myself as a logical person. I like to have things in a particular order, even though I realize that my idea of order could very well be someone else’s exact definition of chaos. I make decisions based upon how I perceive the possible outcome to be. I’m not saying that I always make the right decisions, because I definitely don’t. I am saying that when I make a bad decision, I go into it knowing that it is a bad decision, and for some really stupid reason I WILL follow through with it. I try to hold other’s thoughts and feelings in high regard, but people that know me well enough understand that if I know that I am right - I WILL act on my own belief. I am an entirely random person - I really, really like a good adventure. I am not satisfied with merely reading or hearing about things, although I really do enjoy a good book. For some reason that I have never understood, I have always been curious about every aspect of life. I don’t want to know just a little bit about everything - I want to know a TON about everything. My latest and greatest itch is to go skydiving, and my goal is to go before I graduate in May! You should come too. I have found that I get excited about things that other people think are just plain weird, but that has never really seemed to bother me. I win.

My Interests

playing guitar/writing songs, going to shows, perkins, friends, a good book, a good movie, listen to music, getting in my car and just driving around...

I'd like to meet:

Hunter Alan. He seems nice.


the princess bride and garden state.


nip/tuck and the office!


i just read eragon, and it was really good. i'm a nerd.

My Blog


today was bittersweet. thankfully the sweet outweighs the bitter. in fact, i suppose the only thing bitter about today is the fact that it is over. i've been looking forward to today FOREVER! one word...
Posted by boyd. on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 10:40:00 PST


i'm coming to own you.   yes, i'm speaking to a city.   why, can't you?
Posted by boyd. on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 07:00:00 PST

a bird in hand...

You know what you are to me,Don't make me say it over and over again.It's way too late or much too early, and you know how I get when I'm left alone to my vices.Like the grown ups did when I was a kid...
Posted by boyd. on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 09:37:00 PST


The Game: Each player of this game starts with the "6 weird habits/things about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog about their 6 weird habits/things, as well as state this rule c...
Posted by boyd. on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 01:46:00 PST

subtle reminders...

so i was driving home tonight and i saw this random sign on the side of the road that screamed "Jesus is coming!! Are you ready?" but it actually made me stop and think for the rest of the drive about...
Posted by boyd. on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 01:11:00 PST

so. is it me...or is it everyone else???

first of all, i'm really annoyed with this fly that keeps buzzing around my head. i'm pretty sure i took a shower a little bit ago and smell quite lovely. but anyhow(i swear i'm gonna kill this freaki...
Posted by boyd. on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 10:20:00 PST


so. welcome to this edition of me preaching to masses of people that will most likely not be reading this. tonight i have once again learned a valuable lesson. i don't even think i could do anyth...
Posted by boyd. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

thinking, that's all

first of all, i'd just like to ask you to forgive me if i ramble. i don't know for sure if i will, but just in case. chances are, you probly won't read this anyways... i've just been thinking alot abo...
Posted by boyd. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

back to school.

so yeah, i got back here today. got stuck in two different traffic jams on the way back, but dont worry people...i lived. it was touch and go there for a while though. this year's going by really fast...
Posted by boyd. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST