Todd profile picture


For I know the plans I have for you, they are for good and not for disaster to give a future and a h

About Me

Well, first and foremost I am a follower of Jesus Christ and love him with all my heart. I am married to my beautifal bride of 16 years whom I met and married after knowing for approx. 3 weeks. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT! what can I say?? She is a remarkable woman and the most pure person I have ever met in my life. As for me, I am trying to be the most positive role model that I can for my darling little baby girl "Bailey" aka Bay-Bay whom is 12 yrs. old and my hunk of an athlete son "Dylan" aka Ruud (after his favorite soccer player Ruud VanNistelrooy. I currently work for an awesome engineering firm called Johnson & Anderson and it is so refreshing to work for someone who actually cares about you and makes you feel like more than just a body. I am doing underground utility inspection work and plan to learn how to do survey work soon. I spent 8 years in the Navy as an Aviation Electrician, 2 years at Eagle Ottawa Leather Tannery as a Factory Rat and 7 years here in Muskegon at Sappi Fine Papers (a stinky papermill)doing process control and maintenance work and last but not least my most current Diseaster was with Fruitport Township DPW with whom I spent almost 2 1/2 years before getting laid off/terminated/fired/let go/whatever they want to call it, but would like to send my thanks to them for the nice large settlement check they gave me to resign after I landed a job at J&A makeing more money working for people with morales, THANKS BOB ALDER....LOVE YA. I love all children with a passion and I would love to someday have the privaledge to be a youth pastor or just be involved in some way shape or fashion, I am currently involved with the youth group at my church and I am loving it so far. Great kids and a wide variety of personalities. I am a 2nd degree Black Belt in Tae-Kwon-Do and use to teach but with kids I kind of fell away from it for a while but I am sure I will again some day get back into it. I am a soccer DAD and coach 2 different travel teams and I just got my license to ref soccer so hopefully that will pay the bills, LOL no actually just keep me busy. I enjoy my life and my family!

My Interests

I play soccer as well along with softball, basketball, running 5K's, rollerblading and mountainbiking when time permits. I love to play fantasy sports usually basketball, baseball, football and hockey.

I'd like to meet:

Members of Switchfoot, Kutless and Toby Mac as they are the christian artist's who's music led me to leave secular music and with that opening it allowed me to see that there were tons of christian artists out there that put out amazing quality music that was similar to the styles that I (USED) to listen too. I have seen Toby Mac in concert 4 times, Kutless twice and yet to see switchfoot.


Toby Mac, Switchfoot, Kutless, Hawk Nelson, KJ-52, Third Day, Casting Crowns, Thousand Foot Krutch, Steller Kart, Pillar, Disciple, Matthew West, Jeremy Camp, Building 429, Mark Schultz,Reliant K, Kirk Franklin, T-Bone, Aaron Shust, Stryper, Newsboys Any Christian Artist pretty much!


Braveheart, Saving Private Ryan, X-Men, Passion of the Christ, Myspace Contact Tables


HEROES, Survivor, Lost


The Bible, Case for the Creator, Jesus Freaks