Rick Nance profile picture

Rick Nance

About Me

Performer on trumpet, classical and electric guitar, and composer of electroacoustic music, primarily acousmatic. PhD from DeMontfort University in Leicester, UK. Presently guest composer in the studios of Birmingham Southern College. On the prowl for a new improv group. Plenty of players to choose from in these parts.

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests


Member Since: 26/02/2006
Band Website: plasticmusic.net (offline)
Band Members: Rick Nance

Sounds Like: Pretend you have this sound but it's pretending it's a ball of sand. Now if you imagine pushing it around it might get the idea that you're just wasting its time. Use a torch on one edge (to speed up the time) and you find out that there's little pieces of rusty iron filings in the sand's eye. Spread some of them around on the surface of the sand as it melts to glass, cool it, break it and you notice that you've cut your finger, but it blends nicely into the sand, glass and rusty iron. Now freeze it. Now imagine the rust, sand and glass getting out of your dream and back into its own, turning back into sound (via dream to digital to analogue converters) and now you give it a listen. Dig it out with a toothpick or something else pointy. Use it as a part of another song.

Better just to listen.

Record Label: PeP, Triple Nipple and ICMC

My Blog

The revolution

I've joined up with a few people to destroy music as we know it. All of it. There won't be one note left by the time we're through. The engineers at muzak and the statisticians at Tapscan will all be ...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 12:04:00 GMT