Life. Life is to be enjoyed, not spent working all the time.
Work is a necessary part of any functioning society. Do meaningful work.
Hobbies are a way of growing, not passing the time whilst waiting for something to do.
Pastimes are a method of finding one's self. Do what you want to do, not what you're obliged to.
Pain is something that passes, much like desperation or fear. Do not let it consume you.
Love does exist. Let it happen when it does.
Friends are a reflection of you, and meant to help you get by in times of need. You are your friends.
Descendants are necessary, else you do not exist. Family is to be remembered for their greatness.
Work meaningfully, live peacefully, and be there when the fun happens. To me, that is how to exist.
Who am I? I'm a guy that likes to entertain. I have accepted that it is my calling in life to illustrate, design, perform, read, film, photo, and/or observe that which is entertaining and mostly amusing.Life is to be experienced, after all.I draw a little. I write a little. I shoot photos, and I film on occasion. I dance for fun, and I even cook when I'm truly in a comfortable state. I try to get everything I can out of life, and enjoy it when I can. That's me.