Ma FLaG...."Geeeeeeezz Dun You Wish U Were LebEnEeSe"
We A TeAse
Arab FOr LIfe...Lebnon One dAy I Will ReZiDe....ArabiaN BeaUty "GotTa LoVe TheM" __HaiFa WeHbE__My intrests are going to the beach..Watchin the SunSet...I NEVER knew what a sunset was till i moved to florida...chillin wit The BoYs an THE GuRls... i love watchin movies...I love SPorTs..i LoVe GUrls That play an like sports...Kobe BryAnt Is my Idol...Any one that knows ME knows I LOVE that Matha FuckA...ME AN AL~ WHuT You Know BOut Us NuggaMY FAV PIC "these Two RULED the NBAThats One Of many like his uncle.jpg" border="0" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket" ..tAMpA bay Buccsmspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJavaScript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never"
If I WasEnt ME id WAnna MEET mYsElF.....LIKE yeAAAAMy love HaiFa WehbEKobE AN JOrDan...TWO lEgEnds...Kobe IS tellin HIM thaT im FUCKIN BETTER THEN YOU...HAHAHA
Music is my passion...i write it...spit it an main type of music is RAP...then comes everything else from ARBIC to REGATON.....i dO....beLIvE iT OR noT, loVE slOW soNGS...tHERe Just so Good At setin The mood..Get Your Own! | View Slideshow WhaT YoU Know Bout Us
The Galaxy..It STANDS OUT..Had to HAa schAFfER All THE way dOwn..The GALaXy[IMG] alaxy.jpg[/IMG]I love movies....My Best Memories are with see life different threw movies..PLUS THERE FUCKIN HILLIRIIOUS..ha ha HEre JuSt SOME OF MY FAV MOVIES....
I live ON espn an sprtscenter....They are VEry good friends of mine...THE BEST SHOW IN THE WORLD IS --FAMILY GUY--src="" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" flashvars="" wmode="transparent" width="700" height="220" name="flashticker" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="Ma SLiDe ShoW GOoD Times"/BOy meets worldused to like laguna beach..then it got gayHBO
The books i have are being used to balance the coffe table...not sayin there bad to read ...there just much more usful to balance things YUTT
My heros Are ME..i Look up TO me AN olnly me...cause in this world i stand alone Always have An most def ALWAYS willl...STAY up