IM NOT DRUNK!!! {Dedrick} profile picture

IM NOT DRUNK!!! {Dedrick}

words are unfit for the greatness which is this girl

About Me

its called love ♥ ...
Basically I'm complicated. I have a hard time taking the easy way. I wouldn't call it schizophrenia. But I'll be at least 2 people today.
If that's okay.
And I can go on and on and on... but who cares?
It's deep how you can be so shallow. And I'm afraid cause I have no fear. And I didn't believe in magic... Until I watched you disappear.
I wish you where here.
And I can go on and on and on... but who cares?
You see, everybody is somebody. But nobody wants to be themselves. and If I ever wanted to understand you, I'll have to talk to someone else
Cause every little bit helps.
And I can go on and on and on... but who cares?
Which Rugby position would you play??
U are a back. Your a fast runner and are responsible for avoiding getting tackled and scoring most of the points!
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My life is rated NC-17!
Your life is rated NC-17!
What is your life rated? (MPAA Scale)
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The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful) Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Low
Level 7 (Violent) Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) High
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

malcom x, marcus garvey, minister farrakahn. whoever's holding my degree on that day i graduate, whoever can get me a job doing what i wanna do, and my wifey wherever she is...

A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Dedrick Daquan McFadden
Birthday:: April 12th 1987
Birthplace:: Charlotte NC
Eye Color:: Dark Brown
Hair Color:: Dark Brown
Height:: 5'8
Weight:: 145
Right handed or Left handed?: Right Handed
Your Heritage:: Black... African Decent
My Worst Habit:: Ehhh... i can be too playful at times.
Zodiac Sign:: Aires
Shoe Size:: 12
Pants Size:: 33
Innie or Outie?: Innie
Parents Still Together?: Nope.
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Black S. Carters
Your Weakness:: Kryptonite
Your Fears:: Spiders, Loosing my sense of self
Your Perfect Pizza:: Veggie *mouth waters*
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: Stop being lazy and do the damn school work
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: LMAO!!!
Thoughts First Waking Up:: Come on... it cant be time to get up!!!
Your Best Physical Feature:: *shrugs* some say lips, some say body
Your Bedtime:: Whenever
Your Most Missed Memory:: Being 12-13, running around without responsibility
Favorite color?: Blue or Green
Food?: Pizza
Sport?: Rugby
Animal?: Monkeys
Ice Cream?: Double strawberry
Candy?: ehhh... i dont really mess with candy
Store?: Hot Topic or Spencers
Salad Dressing?: Catalina with honey
Actor?: Mel Gibson *shrugs*
Song?: Thieves in the night - Blackstar
Letter?: D
Number?: 12
Gum?: *shrugs*
Holiday?: Dedrick Day
Season?: Spring
Toothpaste Flavor?: Some kinda mint zing stuff... i have no idea
Radio Station?: Alex Jones' Radio Broadcast
Perfume?: *shrugs*
Scent besides perfume?: Pizza
Body part on the opposite sex?: Waist
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Happy
How Do You Want To Die?: Happy
Turn ons:: Your mom
Turn offs:: Your dad
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: *shrugs* nobody really...
Who's The Loudest?: DEWAYNE
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: omg... so many...
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Leeper
Who's The Shyist?: i dunno
When Have You Cried The Most?: *shrugs*
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Knowing your love loves you back just as strong as u love her
Worst Feeling?: Feeling unwanted to a person you want so much
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: I have no idea... rural charlotte (if there is any left)
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: NOTHING. AT. ALL.
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: Ehhh... Till i feel like dying.
Let's walk on the: WILD SIDE
Let's look at the: Stars
What a nice: Sunset
Where did all the: HOEZ GO???
Why can't we: BE FRIENDS!!!
Silly, little: MIDGET
Isn't it weird that: white people have no lips???
Never under any circumstance: Side with the enemy
I wish: people would wake up
Everyone has a: head
I am: alive
Been In Love?: Yes. Currently
Been To Juvie?: Hell no
Mooned Someone?: ALL THE DAMN TIME
Been Rejected?: pshhhhhhht... yeah.
Ran Away From Home?: hell no
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: :))
Skipped School?: No Comment...
Thought About Suicide?: Ehhh... when i was young and dumb
Slept Outside?: Of course
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: All the time
Cried In School?: Yeah
Thrown Up In School?: Yeah
Wanted To Be a Model?: Hell no
Cheated On Someone?: No comment
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: All the time
Seen A Dead Body?: Sure
Been Bitched Out?:
Drank Alcohol?: Yeah
Smoked?: Tried
Been On Drugs?: Nah
Eaten Sushi?: Yeah
Been On Stage?: I guess
Gone Skinny Dipping?: Accidentally
Shoplifted?: *looks at belt* NOT ON PURPOSE!!!
Been Drunk?: *looks at pics* NO COMMENT
Been Called A Tease?: All the time.
Been Beaten Up?: Sure
Swear?: Sure
Sing Well?: I dont think so
Shower Daily?: Of course not
Want To Go To College?: In college
Want To Get Married?: Yes i do
Believe In Yourself?: 1000%
Get Motion Sickness?: No
Think You Are Attractive?: At times
Get Along With Your Parents?: Part time
Like Thunderstorms?: Yes
Play An Instrument?: Not anymore
Own An IPOD?: Yes
Pray?: No
Go To Church?: No
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: No
Keep A Journal/Diary?: Yes
Dance In The Rain?: No
Sing In The Shower?: Yes
Pepsi or Coke?: Dont really drink sodas...
McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger King
Single or Group Dates?: Single
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: Veggies
TV or Movie?: TV
Guitar or Drums?: Drums
Adidas or Nike?: Adidas
Chinese or Mexican?: Chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Honey Bunches of Oats
Cake or Pie?: Pie
MTV or VH1?: Neither
Blind or Deaf?: Neither
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxer Briefs
Do The Splits?: HELL NO
Write With Both Hands?: Not well...
Whistle?: Not anymore
Blow A Bubble?: Yes
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: Yes
Cross Your Eyes?: Yes
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: Yes
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: No
Dance?: Not well
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: No
You Touched:: Kim
You Talked To On The Phone:: Kim
You Instant Messaged:: Kim
You Hugged:: Kim
You Yelled At:: Toddrick
You Played A Sport With:: *shrugs*
Time You Laughed?: Today
Time You Cried?: A week or so ago
Movie You Watched?: CKY2K
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: I have no idea
Joke You Told?: Q: What does a white woman make for dinner? A: Reservations
Song You've Sung?: THROW SOME D'S ON DAT BITCH!!!
Where Are You?: Cpcc computer lab
What Can You See Out Your Window?: something... the window is small and far away
Are You Listening To Music?: sorta, Alex Jones' Radio Show
What Are You Wearing?: Clothes
What's On Your Mousepad?: Im not using a mousepad
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Yes
Do you believe in miracles?: Define miracles
Magic?: No
Love at first sight?: No
God?: Define God
Satan?: Evil? Yes
Ghosts?: Sure
Santa?: Hell No
Evolution?: Yes

What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: New Zealand
Number Of CD's I Own:: 0
Your Good Luck Charm:: Your MOM
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 2
Do you drink milk?: YESSIREE
Person You Hate Most:: *pulls out list*
Most Outdated Phrase:: WORD.
Do you think God has a gender?: Hes in control... so he must be a man. lmao
Where do you think we go when we die?: We die, thats it.
How many rings until you answer the phone?: Usually 2. depends
What is something scientists need to invent?: A better way to test products before releasing them
Are you a health freak?: I want to be
Are you a virgin?: Nah
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: Away from U
What is the worst weather?: A blizzard
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: No... HOW BOUT THEM LEGOS THOUGH!!!
How many grades have you failed?: None


Immortal Techniqe, Talib, Common, Papoose,Tupac, Biggie, Jay-Z, Sum-41, Weezer, Jimi Hendrix, Dipset, Blackstar, The White Stripes, System of a Down, Static-X, Nas, Dead Prez, Eric B and Rakim, The Game, Clipse, N*E*R*D*, Akir, Saigon, Cory Gunz, Maroon 5, Alien Ant Farm


My Blog


wow.i guess nothing i say matter how much i say "no, im not", or "no, i didnt", it doesnt matter.heh.i know i dont listen sometimes... but i guess fighting fire with fire works right?no tru...
Posted by IM NOT DRUNK!!! {Dedrick} on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 03:13:00 PST

accidents happen...

so im with kim at the laundrymat and my mom calls... shes like where are u. im like helping kim wash clothes. shes like oh. is she on birthcontrol?*me thinking to myself* WTF???so yeah we proceed to a...
Posted by IM NOT DRUNK!!! {Dedrick} on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 10:21:00 PST


I want you to know, when it comes to believing in god- I really tried. I really really tried. I tried to believe that there is a god who created each one of us in his own image and likeness, loves u...
Posted by IM NOT DRUNK!!! {Dedrick} on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 11:36:00 PST