malcom x, marcus garvey, minister farrakahn. whoever's holding my degree on that day i graduate, whoever can get me a job doing what i wanna do, and my wifey wherever she is...
A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Dedrick Daquan McFadden
Birthday:: April 12th 1987
Birthplace:: Charlotte NC
Eye Color:: Dark Brown
Hair Color:: Dark Brown
Height:: 5'8
Weight:: 145
Right handed or Left handed?: Right Handed
Your Heritage:: Black... African Decent
My Worst Habit:: Ehhh... i can be too playful at times.
Zodiac Sign:: Aires
Shoe Size:: 12
Pants Size:: 33
Innie or Outie?: Innie
Parents Still Together?: Nope.
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Black S. Carters
Your Weakness:: Kryptonite
Your Fears:: Spiders, Loosing my sense of self
Your Perfect Pizza:: Veggie *mouth waters*
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: Stop being lazy and do the damn school work
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: LMAO!!!
Thoughts First Waking Up:: Come on... it cant be time to get up!!!
Your Best Physical Feature:: *shrugs* some say lips, some say body
Your Bedtime:: Whenever
Your Most Missed Memory:: Being 12-13, running around without responsibility
Favorite color?: Blue or Green
Food?: Pizza
Sport?: Rugby
Animal?: Monkeys
Ice Cream?: Double strawberry
Candy?: ehhh... i dont really mess with candy
Store?: Hot Topic or Spencers
Salad Dressing?: Catalina with honey
Actor?: Mel Gibson *shrugs*
Song?: Thieves in the night - Blackstar
Letter?: D
Number?: 12
Gum?: *shrugs*
Holiday?: Dedrick Day
Season?: Spring
Toothpaste Flavor?: Some kinda mint zing stuff... i have no idea
Radio Station?: Alex Jones' Radio Broadcast
Perfume?: *shrugs*
Scent besides perfume?: Pizza
Body part on the opposite sex?: Waist
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Happy
How Do You Want To Die?: Happy
Turn ons:: Your mom
Turn offs:: Your dad
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: *shrugs* nobody really...
Who's The Loudest?: DEWAYNE
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: omg... so many...
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Leeper
Who's The Shyist?: i dunno
When Have You Cried The Most?: *shrugs*
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Knowing your love loves you back just as strong as u love her
Worst Feeling?: Feeling unwanted to a person you want so much
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: I have no idea... rural charlotte (if there is any left)
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: NOTHING. AT. ALL.
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: Ehhh... Till i feel like dying.
Let's walk on the: WILD SIDE
Let's look at the: Stars
What a nice: Sunset
Where did all the: HOEZ GO???
Why can't we: BE FRIENDS!!!
Silly, little: MIDGET
Isn't it weird that: white people have no lips???
Never under any circumstance: Side with the enemy
I wish: people would wake up
Everyone has a: head
I am: alive
Been In Love?: Yes. Currently
Been To Juvie?: Hell no
Mooned Someone?: ALL THE DAMN TIME
Been Rejected?: pshhhhhhht... yeah.
Ran Away From Home?: hell no
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: :))
Skipped School?: No Comment...
Thought About Suicide?: Ehhh... when i was young and dumb
Slept Outside?: Of course
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: All the time
Cried In School?: Yeah
Thrown Up In School?: Yeah
Wanted To Be a Model?: Hell no
Cheated On Someone?: No comment
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: All the time
Seen A Dead Body?: Sure
Been Bitched Out?: ...wtf???
Drank Alcohol?: Yeah
Smoked?: Tried
Been On Drugs?: Nah
Eaten Sushi?: Yeah
Been On Stage?: I guess
Gone Skinny Dipping?: Accidentally
Shoplifted?: *looks at belt* NOT ON PURPOSE!!!
Been Drunk?: *looks at pics* NO COMMENT
Been Called A Tease?: All the time.
Been Beaten Up?: Sure
Swear?: Sure
Sing Well?: I dont think so
Shower Daily?: Of course not
Want To Go To College?: In college
Want To Get Married?: Yes i do
Believe In Yourself?: 1000%
Get Motion Sickness?: No
Think You Are Attractive?: At times
Get Along With Your Parents?: Part time
Like Thunderstorms?: Yes
Play An Instrument?: Not anymore
Own An IPOD?: Yes
Pray?: No
Go To Church?: No
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: No
Keep A Journal/Diary?: Yes
Dance In The Rain?: No
Sing In The Shower?: Yes
Pepsi or Coke?: Dont really drink sodas...
McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger King
Single or Group Dates?: Single
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: Veggies
TV or Movie?: TV
Guitar or Drums?: Drums
Adidas or Nike?: Adidas
Chinese or Mexican?: Chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Honey Bunches of Oats
Cake or Pie?: Pie
MTV or VH1?: Neither
Blind or Deaf?: Neither
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxer Briefs
Do The Splits?: HELL NO
Write With Both Hands?: Not well...
Whistle?: Not anymore
Blow A Bubble?: Yes
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: Yes
Cross Your Eyes?: Yes
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: Yes
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: No
Dance?: Not well
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: No
You Touched:: Kim
You Talked To On The Phone:: Kim
You Instant Messaged:: Kim
You Hugged:: Kim
You Yelled At:: Toddrick
You Played A Sport With:: *shrugs*
Time You Laughed?: Today
Time You Cried?: A week or so ago
Movie You Watched?: CKY2K
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: I have no idea
Joke You Told?: Q: What does a white woman make for dinner? A: Reservations
Song You've Sung?: THROW SOME D'S ON DAT BITCH!!!
Where Are You?: Cpcc computer lab
What Can You See Out Your Window?: something... the window is small and far away
Are You Listening To Music?: sorta, Alex Jones' Radio Show
What Are You Wearing?: Clothes
What's On Your Mousepad?: Im not using a mousepad
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Yes
Do you believe in miracles?: Define miracles
Magic?: No
Love at first sight?: No
God?: Define God
Satan?: Evil? Yes
Ghosts?: Sure
Santa?: Hell No
Evolution?: Yes
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: New Zealand
Number Of CD's I Own:: 0
Your Good Luck Charm:: Your MOM
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 2
Do you drink milk?: YESSIREE
Person You Hate Most:: *pulls out list*
Most Outdated Phrase:: WORD.
Do you think God has a gender?: Hes in control... so he must be a man. lmao
Where do you think we go when we die?: We die, thats it.
How many rings until you answer the phone?: Usually 2. depends
What is something scientists need to invent?: A better way to test products before releasing them
Are you a health freak?: I want to be
Are you a virgin?: Nah
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: Away from U
What is the worst weather?: A blizzard
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: No... HOW BOUT THEM LEGOS THOUGH!!!
How many grades have you failed?: None
Immortal Techniqe, Talib, Common, Papoose,Tupac, Biggie, Jay-Z, Sum-41, Weezer, Jimi Hendrix, Dipset, Blackstar, The White Stripes, System of a Down, Static-X, Nas, Dead Prez, Eric B and Rakim, The Game, Clipse, N*E*R*D*, Akir, Saigon, Cory Gunz, Maroon 5, Alien Ant Farm