The Bloody Blade, pirating, pirataing, being a pirate, a piratas life, swashbuckling, rum, pilleaging, treasure, the seven seas, killing ninjas, swords, pistols, canons, ships (non as good as the Bloody Blade though), pirate movies, hooks, peglegs, eyepatches, pirate shirts, pirate hats, the Jolly Rogger, rum, pilleaging......umm more rum and pilleaging and lots more killing ninjas, The Anti-Ninja Coalition, raiding, loot, booty, x's mark the spot, rum, pilleaging....and repeat. ARRRRRR
Captain Jack Sparrow, Blackbeard, Redbeard, Captain Morgan, Hook, and all the other great pirates the world has seen (of course besides the Bloody Blade Pirates). Oh yes and we'd like to meet pirates who'd like to join us in drinking rum, pilleaging, and killing ninjas.
All Your Rum Drinking Song Hits Volume ARRR, Music to Pilleage To, classic pirating songs, The Bloody Blade chant, etc.
Pirates of the Caribbean and classic pirating films that teach you all you need to know to drink too much rum, pilleage, and to kill ninjas.
What ever shows have pirates on em.
Treasure Island (Long John Silver is great), Pirates of the Carribean the novel, How to Kill A Ninja in Less Time Than How Long It Took to Read The Title of This Book, Pirates vs. Ninjas: A war story, Piratica, Piratica 2, Memoirs of The Bloody Blade (in stores soon).
Captain Jack Sparrow, Blackbeard, Redbeard, Captain Morgan, Hook, and all the other great pirates the world has seen (of course besides the Bloody Blade Pirates).