Dear Lord Baby Jesus....oh yea and my boy Warrick Brown!
o Rise Against
o Blue Scholars
o Pigeon John
o Common Market
o Aesop Rock
o Aiden
o Modest Mouse
o Slug
o 30stm
o Akon....haha j/k
o A7X
o Flogging Molly
o Mickey Avalon
o Lyrics Born
o DCFC & Postal Service
o Josh Turner
"We will spill their blood till it rains down from the skies!"
"A freakin' 12-gauge, what do you think?!"
"The arsonist has oddly shaped feet!"
"The Fights twice the size"
"I wanted to destroy something beautiful"
"I haven't killed anybody ...since 1984."
"This is my rifle, this is my gun....this is for fighting, this is for fun"
"I hate when my girl goes to rhode island"
"Who put this thing together? Me, that's who!"
"I'm funny how? Funny like a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? "
"The price is wrong, Bitch"
"Remember Sammy Jankis."
"You're acting like a first year fucking thief! I'm acting like a professional!"
"Nobody makes me bleed my own blood. NOBODY!"
Sports, News, Food Network, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, and Sopranos Entourage
damn text books :p
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