4 Free GMail Invites!!!
I got 4 Gmail invites. Message me with your name and email address. Of course I have to know who you are. No strangers.Posted by on Sun, 09 Jan 2005 14:28:00 GMT
Happy New Year!
2005 Year of the Rooster.Posted by on Fri, 31 Dec 2004 21:05:00 GMT
Update Page!
Updated the page a bit. I still can't figure out the tags yet. If I show the borders it will clump together with the borders. I can't get it to space right. huy...Posted by on Fri, 31 Dec 2004 14:53:00 GMT
"WoW" or just bleh?
Contemplating wheather to get it or not. It's a bit "Disney" feel for my taste. uh... yuh I'm talking about World of Warcraft if ya didn't know. Yeah, another mmorpg. It's damn addicting, shit...Posted by on Mon, 27 Dec 2004 22:47:00 GMT
Lineage 2
What have I been up to? hmmm... I've been playing a MMORPG. I took a break for now but might get back into it next year or so... So, I'm just relaxin...Posted by on Sun, 26 Dec 2004 00:56:00 GMT