Lifting weights, raining 3's against Troy and Jeremy in HORSE during lunch at work (or getting rained on), running, throwing things (still), reading, pool, cards, etc.
Old friends, teammates, etc.
I like a lot of music...even country. I typically will listen to rap when working out and keep it to classical or rock the rest of the time.
Like music...I like a bunch of movies. Bringing up baby, Father Goose, The Big Sleep (to name some oldies)...Shawshank Redemption, Good Fellas, Untouchables, Departed, Office Space (to name some more recent ones)
I mostly stick with the History Channel, ESPN, and Fine Living (no I'm not gay)...occassionally I'll watch Scrubs, Friends, Seinfeld, or Will & Grace
Lincoln the Unknown is my favorite book. I read a lot of books for school as of late...but I'm currently trying to sneak in Someone's Gotta Say It by Neal Boortz.
Those that have made us have the freedom we now enjoy...especially the men/women that never got any recognition for it.