amandarrrrr :) profile picture

amandarrrrr :)

About Me

there are worlds within worlds 6fcc57373a90e6f11a888af7.jpg For various reasons most people get so caught up in everyday affairs that their astonishment at the world gets pushed into the background.In the process of growing up we lose the ability to wonder about the world. Never let the world and your life here become a habit! Have an inquiring mind!......."I always tell the girls never take it seriously, if you never take it seriously, you never get hurt, if you never get hurt, you always have fun, and if you ever get lonely, just go to the record store and visit your friends." --Penny Lane

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My Interests

PEACE CORPS. the world. my purpose in it. eclectic people. Finding balance somewhere between philosophy, serenity, passion, devotion, and just having a good time. LOVE. Practice charity without having in mind any concept of charity, for charity after all is just a word. No matter how "successful" your journey, or fore-shortened, you ALWAYS learn something, and learn to change your thoughts. CREATIVITY....dont let it go to waste....everyone's got it. music makes my world go 'round. i keep hot sauce in my purse always. love books. awkward moments. randomness. power of thought. love nature. early mornings. writing. iced coffee. healthy home-cooked food. getting weird. wine with cheese n crackers. experience. culture. philosophy. passion. EXPRESSION of any kind... FREE of JUDGEMENT. people. love. life. REST IN PEACE CHRIS.

I'd like to meet:

Smiling Faces, New Places in the crowd there somewhere.. front row you better believe it! GOOD PEOPLE!


THE GROWLERS!!!!! they will rock your world oh yesssss. the animals, buzzcocks, violent femmes, yardbirds, misfits, the doors, T. Rex, television, the black keys, mars volta, reverend horton heat, sex pistols, radiohead, janis joplin, the mummies, cream, t.s.o.l, jefferson airplane, jimi hendrix, steel pulse, bob marley, the stranglers, the specials, murder city devils, raconteurs, tiger army, humble soul, the smiths, nirvana, beck, widespread panic, jack johnson, string cheese incident, phil lesh, trey anastasio, moe, the bronx, soul jah, brett dennen, donovan frankenreiter, Pixies, the adored, led zeppelin, tom petty, jeff beck, slightly stoopid, sublime, bad religion, circle jerks, galactic, the roots, the allman brothers, santana, modest mouse, america, yes, pink floyd, neil young, peter tosh, sound tribe sector 9, keller williams, the mamas and the papas, freeeeway


Almost famous, This is Spinal Tap, Dazed and Confused, Clerks, Walk the Line, Lock Stock and Two Smokin Barrels, Snatch, anything with Vince Vaughn he's my hero.


throw away your television


Animal Farm, Eat Pray Love, The alchemist, The Lovely Bones, The Dharma Bums, Brave New World, The Giver, Sophie's world, 1984, DaVinci Code, On the Road, Siddartha, anything about philosophy.


moms and pops. desiree, john, donna, and jeff jenkins. lara braish. and GHANDI : "The Roots of Violence: Wealth without Work, Pleasure without Conscience, Knowledge without Character, Commerce without Mortality, Science without Humanity, Worship without Sacrifice, Politics without Principles." IM SO PROUD TO BE THE FRUIT OF HER LOINS HAHA

My Blog

HIGH AS A KITE and jacobbbb this ones for you i miss our sessions

I want a lover I don't have to love I want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk Where's the kid with the chemicals I got a hunger and I can't seem to get full I need some meaning I can memorize T...
Posted by amandarrrrr :) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST