Through me a fricken bone here profile picture

Through me a fricken bone here

ill wait for ever

About Me

HELLO i am tracey My best color is red lol.I love to clogg its like the best thing iv ever done and im never gunaa stop i do it when i am mad and when i am happy so im always dancing.i ike to hunt it getts my hart pumped lol and i get to spend time with just my dad and brother. iabsolutly love exstra sharp cheddered cheese it good and its the only kind i'll eat and i won't eat it on anything it has to be it my favorite sport and im good at it so thats why. i love my family and i love sunday dinners when i get to spend it with them and thats about it thats me but not all of me so don't think you no me

My Interests

dancing and sports

Myspace Graphics

Myspace Graphics

I'd like to meet:

God lol cuse he made me
MySpace Layouts

    MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes MySpace Backgrounds


metal matalica evenecanse god smack phill collins the eurithmics and yea

Myspace Graphics


shallow hall and titanic


the golden girls and the nany and andy mtv show ecept for trl well maybe some times


islands of trhe blue dolphines


my dad