free all prisoners profile picture

free all prisoners

ask me about liberty; it's all i really want to talk/learn/create about

About Me

a ghost to demons, invisible to contention. a breezy wind to net-catchers, flighty to all efforts to control. a moon to starry-eyed younglings, reflecting questing light back upon upturned faces. a brother to lions, companion to owls, consort to angels. cousin to phoenix, making ready the way to rebirth at fiery cost to self. conduit to quetzalcoatl, feathers and scales, heaven and earth, spirit and matter, non-being and being coalesce and return to their ineffable Source.

My Interests

to provide living water to biocognitive terrains oppressed by drought and horrifyingly vanishing: to drench, lighting paths to new gardens, nourishing without possessing, ushering into consciousness ways of relation that unite rather than separate, exposing wraithly talons that rend human connectivity, traveling threads to the Source

I'd like to meet:

mind/body/soul integration technicians, explorers of sky, mugicians of sound, shamanic scientists, language artisans, cognitive activists, anyone interested in forming circles of heartful learning and liberty activism. yes, active learners are who i desire to be surrounded by.


tones can be arranged in an unlimited number of patterns to dull the ear. such a beautiful tree. lately i've been looking at the fruit and not the flower, the substance and not the surface, the formless origin and not the endless dizzying variances of form.

Television: imagination. but knowing that, i'll occasionally, safely watch futurama and a few other hilarities.


clive barker, feodor dostoyevski, c.s. lewis, madeline l'engel, h.p. lovecraft, stephen king, takashi matsuoko, r.a. salvatore, kahlil gibran, chuang tzu, thomas merton, eckhart, daniel pinchbeck, d.t. suzuki, daniel pinchbeck


hypatia of alexandria, frank zappa, terry pratchett, lao tzu, lieu bei, guan yu, leonardo da vinci, mozart (the wolf), jaco pastorius, bruce lee, lewis carroll, victor wooten, terence mckenna, a million other robin hoods held in equal regard. warning to self: adulation of those with worthiness and merit causes squabbling contention.

My Blog

calypso conceals

ha ha. haaaaaaaaaaaahahhahahaahhhaaaaaaaaaaahahahahah AHHHHHHAHHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAH AHHAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH can't write. can't hardly speak. silly silence. such short sentences. no harm. increasin...
Posted by free all prisoners on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:25:00 PST