Sophie profile picture



About Me

I live on a mountain, up on a tree somewhere. I am sometimes geeky, sometimes artsy, a bit of a gamer. I have been known to be stubborn but also laid back. I love projects but I am happy when they are done. I am social but I also enjoy being alone too. I am serious but a little goofy. I'm very logical but not immune to stupidity. I find humour in almost anything (haven't figured out if that's always a good I don't like describing myself but I still wrote something. I don't like empty spaces.

A friggin loaf of bread?! Booo!

My Interests

Some things I like

Travel, gaming, graphic design, people, fitness, languages, music, movies, photography, listening to audio books, art, road trips.

Not gaming much right now, just testing my litle brain on Big Brain Academy. Woot! hehe. I'm A-! Woot! Waiting for my vid card to get fixed and then getting a new graphics tablet to start making artsy crap! ;)

I'd like to meet:

Skate4Cancer Check out Rob's journey and give your support!

An old addiction now but I still love it.
Save Your Scissors -- City and Colour

Get this video and more at


My musical interests are pretty varied.

Can't say I like one particular style. Depends on my mood really. Good music is good music, no matter what style it is.

Recently on my page:
- Imogen Heap Goodnight and Go
- Lamb Gorecki
- Royksopp Only This Moment
- Kid Koala Emperor's Main Course
- City &Colour Save Your Scissors
- Nina Gordon Straight Outta Compton
- Lily Allen LDN, Everything's Just Wonderful
- Sam Roberts Band Where Have All The Good People Gone?
- Joanna Newsom The Book of Right On
- Sia Sunday
- Bill Shatner & Joe Jackson Common People (told ya my tastes were varied lol)


Don't watch too many but here's a few I liked (been catching up lately though)

-Donnie Darko
-Le Grand Bleu
-Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain
-City of God
-Nikita (Luc Besson one!) -Run Lola Run


Hmmm...I haven't watched much tv this year. Right now, I'm watching mostly movies since nothin' good is on tv anyway.

All time faves shows:

-Family Guy
-Sex and the City


Some books I liked:

-One Hundred Years of Solitude
-Fahreinheit 451
-Memoirs of a Geisha
-Ender's Game
-Oryxx and Crake
-Alan Alda's Bio
-Foucault's Pendulum

Currently reading : Name of the Rose - Umberto Eco


Matt!!!111oneoneone ;) lol

My Blog

Long Summer eh?

Woke up to snow this morning. Yep! S-N-O-W (the frozen stuff --not the Canadian rapper) and well, it made me realize that my Big Brain Summer Adventure had come and gone without a single peep out of m...
Posted by Sophie on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 11:20:00 PST

Stimulate your brain

So the DS Lite came out a few days ago... We skipped all the way to the store to get our sticky little hands on this little jewel, excited about the prospect of testing our little brains with Brain Ag...
Posted by Sophie on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 06:25:00 PST


The printer's taking forever and a day to print my final version of a design (the file is huge!!) so while listening to some kick ass music, I thought I'd share my joy at being done one more project o...
Posted by Sophie on Tue, 23 May 2006 01:48:00 PST

In need of inspiration

Ever get stuck working on something? I'm having one of those spells. I am stuck! Too many things in my head and they're taking up too much space. That translates into not being able to sleep. Argh! I ...
Posted by Sophie on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 10:18:00 PST


Spring! Is it finally here?! It can't be. I must be dreaming. Today was a gorgeous, gorgeous day. Windows wide open, the snow is melting (too friggin slowly but it's melting), and it was actually even...
Posted by Sophie on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 08:17:00 PST

Toast and Rain

The weather was so nice yesterday, we ventured out for brunch. Traffic was hell as all the suburbanites and their larva were out enjoying the sights, but we battled our way through and showed up right...
Posted by Sophie on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 02:37:00 PST

Oscar Showdown!

As per our usual tradition, Matt and I printed out our lists and made our choices for this year's Oscars. We had to fill it out in front of each other due to some "cheating" allegations on his part co...
Posted by Sophie on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 10:13:00 PST

Canadian women rule!

The Olympics are finally over and television programs can now return to their regular schedules. I didn't get into it as much as other years. Maybe it was the time difference. I used to like the figu...
Posted by Sophie on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:04:00 PST