playing gigs / bass / guitar
body building
the bass guitar
piercings (although i dont have any yet!)
anything with an engine
someone whos got self respect and respect for others. seems to me that people thesedays think that respect is gunning somebody down/ stabbing someone/ beating them to death for bad mouthing their "brother".
its not.
its looking out for everyone and treating them as you wanna be treated.
Well educated people, (i know i sound thick coz of my yorkshire accent :P but there is something other than space inbetween my ears :) )
Beautiful people... people who make their own mind up... Friendly people, i cant be arsed with all you fuckwhits that think theyre too up their own are to "comment back".
Entertaining people... dont wanna meet boring people.
Musicians (best kind of people :P )
Inspiring people.
and someone that gives me reason to like them.
i aspire to be a professional musician.
i love dance and electronica
im a big fan of anything thats catchy apart from indie sorry ;)
rock n roll!, funk, dance, classical, jazz, 80'S HAIR METALLLL!!!, death metal, blues ... please feel free to sugest something to me im all ears :)
my Motley Crue dvds
watching shameless with my dad!.
kieth lemon
motley crue - the dirt.
guns n roses - the band that time forgot
Lemmy's autobiography - white line fever
people who dont follow others, stand up for themselves, and dont settle for second best.