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Kiwi Smith

About Me

Here is my little bio:A writer who happily dabbles in many genres, it was as a freshman at Occidental College that screenwriter Kirsten "Kiwi" Smith began pursuing her first love, poetry. At 19, she had her first poem published. Since then, she has had over 40 poems appear in literary magazines such as "The Gettysburg Review", "Witness","The Massachusetts Review", and "Prairie Schooner." And now, she has her first book of poems being published by Little Brown -- a novel-in-verse called "The Geography of Girlhood."
Best known as the screenwriter of such comedies as "Legally Blonde", "10 Things I Hate About You" and "Ella Enchanted", Kiwi has a new movie out: "She's the Man" starring the brilliant young comedienne Amanda Bynes.
Kiwi has been a writer-in-residence at The MacDowell Colony; attended the 1993 Breadloaf Writer's Conference on fellowship; and received numerous prizes, including "Nimrod's" Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry. She has studied under writers as diverse as Amy Hempel, Robert Pinsky, Lucille Clifton and Marilynne Robinson.
Upon realizing she couldn't exactly make a living as a poet unless she was dead, Kiwi turned her attentions toward her other love: movies. She attended NYU's film program and upon graduataing from Occidental, she worked at CineTel Films, where she received her first screen credit on the sextravaganza "Poison Ivy 2", for a poem she contributed to the script. All that studying had finally paid off - Kiwi was having her literary work published in a straigh-to-video movie!
It was a CineTel that Kiwi met her screenwriting partner, Karen. They began plotting their first script together the night they met (February 5, 1996, in case you're interested) on some margarita-soaked cocktail napkins. Since then they have written 21 scripts together, 4 of which have been produced into feature films.Myspace For Girls Only -

My Interests

Rock and roll, movies, fiction, smart and unusual humans, smiling, kissing, laughing, being moved by art and people, hugging dogs, poetry, dancing around so wildly I am asked to please leave the premises for fear of injuring others


Pony Up!, Of Montreal, Pixies, Sleater-Kinney, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Broken Social Scene, Peter Bjorn & John, Courtney Love, Madonna, Modest Mouse, Wolf Parade, Arcade Fire, Bishop Allen, The Blow, Joanna Newsom, Liz Phair (vintage not recent), Okkerville River, Deerhoof, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! Afghan Whigs


Black Snake Moan, Philadelphia Story, What's Up Doc?, Sixteen Candles, The Major & the Minor, Breakfast Club, Modern Girls, Red, Amelie, Bottle Rocket, The Lady Eve, Monster, School of Rock, Working Girl, Hysterical Blindness, Clueless, Grindhouse


Living a proud, TV-free lifestyle since 1993!


Happy All the Time by Laurie Colwin, any poetry by Sharon Olds and Wallace Stevens and James Tate and Anne Sexton and Dorothy Parker. Love me some Tom Perrotta and Charles Baxter!


MADONNA, Courtney Love, Sylvia Plath, James Schamus, Maya Deren, Preston Sturges, my dad and mom

My Blog

I slept through The Inside Man....

I just saw THE INSIDE MAN which is possibly one of the most boring hostage negotiator/bank robbery movies ever made.  I had high hopes that Spike Lee would make the transition into fun mainstream...
Posted by Kiwi on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 10:04:00 PST

Movies I'm Dying to Seee

I just saw the trailers for two new movies that look buh-rilliant:  NACHO LIBRE, about a priest obsessed with Mexican wrestling; any movie that features Jack Black&...
Posted by Kiwi on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 12:31:00 PST