Brice D. Wilson profile picture

Brice D. Wilson

I Wished For Something Good But I Got Soemthing Great, And I Give Her A Happiness That Those Other D

About Me

Well to start off My Name is Brice DeMario Wilson. I was born in Goldsboro,NC, grew up in Raleigh, live in Wendell, and by Feb 27 I will be living in florida. I plan to get a well grounded education in something I love the most and thats music, that I have faith will take me places I can only imagine. God has blessed me with alot gifts to help and reach out to people. I think music is one of my many gifts. The school I plan to attend is called Full Sail Real World Education in Winter Park, Florida aka Orlando, Florida. I am a cool dude to get to know. I am nice, funny (well I think so lol), pretty nice looking, and an all around cool guy. I aint perfect but who is? If you want to find out more just ask..... ..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics


My Interests

MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: Brice DeMario Wilson aka SOUP
Birthdate: 6/23/88
Birthplace: Goldsboro, NC
Current Location: Raleigh,NC
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'10
Weight: 140
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Ethnicity: Black and Indian
Body Type: Skinny as hell. lol
Favorite Food: Fried Chicken
Favorite Drink: 411 or Kool Laid
Baseball Team: Atlanta Braves
(when) Bedtime: Anytime
Favorite Color(s): Dat Blue aka True
Favorite Letter: B
Favorite Number: 5
Candy: Reese
Favorite Animal: Lion
Favorite Messenger: WHAT?
Screename: Briceakallyod
Favorite Store: Chosen Image
Most Missed Memory: Me in my old neighboorhood. It was alot of things that went down in there.
Best Physical Feature: My smile
Overused Phrase: Dats whats up!!!
First Thought Waking Up: Damn why I got to get up?
Goal for this year: To make it threw the year with the thought of mind that I have accomplished something.
Weakness: Girls
Fears: God
Heritage: Indian
Longest Relationship: 2 and 1/2 years
School's Name: A&T
Favorite TV Show: House Of Payne
Have You Ever....
Drank: Yea
Smoked: Yea
Dyed Your Hair: Never
Shoplifted: Yea
Tried To Do The Splits: Never
Tried To Do A Backbend: Never
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: Yea
Tried To Do A Handstand: Yea
Tried To Act Perfect: Yea
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: Yea
Skinny Dipped: Never
Had Sex: lol a number of times.
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: Yea
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: Naw
Been Dumped: Yea
Done Drugs: Smokes thats it.
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Yea
Ate Sushi: Naw
Loved Someone: Yea
In A Guy/Gurl....
Fav Eye Color: Hazel
Fav Hair Color: Brown
Short or Long Hair: Long Hair
Height: It doesn't matter
Weight: Not to fat not to skinny.
Looks Or Personality: Both
Love or Money: Both
Hot Or Cute: Both
Drugs and/or Alcohol: Neither
Muscular or Really Skinny: Neither
Sexy or Shmexy---- lmao!: Sexy
Random...: WHAT?
How Do You Want To Die?: Fast and painless
What country do you want to Visit: Brazil
Been to the Mall Lately: Yea
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yea
Shower Daily: Yea
Do you Sing: Alil
Want to go to College: Yea A&T
Clothes: Beater and shorts
Shoes: Forces
Make-Up: Never
Hair Do: Braids
Phone: Cingluar
Phone Number: Never
Location: Raleigh
Weather: Clear
Website(s): ...............
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I'd like to meet:

what do you look like? IDK my daddy I guess
hair color? Black
eye color? Dark Brown
race? Black and Indian
do you wear makeup? Never
what does your hair look like? Braids
lips big/small? Medium
((lets be real)) /guys.. what inch are you?/girls.. what size are them tites? They find out for there selfs its not fun just telling them.
pick one
pink or blue? Blue
phone or aim? Phone
GUNIT or Murder INC.? Both Of Them Wack but GUNIT
mall or movies? Both
chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
abercrombie&fitch or rocawear? Rocawear
clothes or shoes Both
follower or leader? Leader
rap or rock? Both
50 cent or like...everyone else? Everyone Else
heels or flats? Neither
jordans or GUNIT? J's of course this shouldn't be a question.
method man or redman? Neither
color? Blue
movie? Mence II Society
hobbie? Partying
music video? Caira's-Get Up
singer/rapper? Leotya/Lil'Wayne
part of the opposite gender's body? Breasts and Booty
magazine or book? XXL
About you
full name Brice DeMario Wilson
birthday 6/23/88
height 5'9 or 5'10
weight 140
label..prep, jock, geek, thug, hoe, troublemaker, diva, bitch, ect. I'm my own person I catogorize myself
what are you wearing right now? T'Shirt and some jeans
descibe your room Small and boring
favorite show Wayans Bros.
what color are your toenails/finger nails Don't hae a color
what is on your backround? Claudette Ortiz with her sexy ass.
do you like someone? Yea I do
if yes who? My new boo...............
have you done the nasty? LOL naw not yet but I have a feeling its going to be great when we go. lol
have you shot a gun? Yea
have you gone to jail? Naw and don't plan on it.
have you gotten arrested? Naw but I was close
have you kissed the same gender as yours? Never
do you agree wit sex before marriage? I mean whateva happens happens.
what is in your cd player right now? Lil'Wayne-M.I.A.
what time do you wake up for school in the morning? I don't have to go to public school no more so none right now but I plan to go to college.
are you racist? No I love all people.
are you athiest? Never I love god.
when your in the bath what do you do to pass the time? WHAT?!?! Wash your body I mean what kind of question is that?
what do you sleep in? Most of the time a beater and some shorts.
how long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Like 30 minutes
what color is your bed spread? Blue
how many pilliows do you have 2
did you ever have a blankie or a stuff animal? Naw
if yes, did it have a name? what was it? Naw
what do you WANT pierced? Only ears
what kind of tatoo do you want if you want on? and where do you want it? I want like 6 or 7 but I'ma get a tatoo of my moms name on me somewhere.
what posters are on your walls? None
how many times a week do you take a shower? Like everyday.
gay marriage yes or no? No
what word do you used the most? Datts whats up.
are you a fast typer? Naw
do you have a kid? Nope
if no, how many do you want and and what do you want their names to be? I want 3 or 4 but if I have I want her name to be Lamya.
do you even want kids??? Yea like 3 or 4.
are you gay/lez? Neither
do you have zits on your face? Sometimes I mean there's nothing you can do about that its natural.
are you a hairy person? Alil
what do you put on your food the most (sauce) Hot Sauce
are you flexible Naw
what would you call your skin conplexion? Carmel
how many pairs of clothes do you have in your closet? Alot
how many pairs of shoes do you have in your closet? Like between 10 to 15 but I have some under my bed too.
how many hats do you have in your closet?
are you glad your done wit it? Yea
whats one thing you would change about yourself? MY shiness.
whats one thing guys/girls seem most attracted to you? My hair or my personality.
do you like hot chocolate? Yea



My Blog

Type Of Love....

Type Of Love Originally From Shihan's "This Type Love"I want the type of love that I am dirty all day but clean up just for her That type of love that she thinks it's cute that I put my shoes on the o...
Posted by Brice D. Wilson on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 11:26:00 PST

Same Situation

This is actually a song I wrote called Same Situation but I put in poem form too. I think its more deep in poem form anyway so check it out.Even though your love was the definition of my smileAnd even...
Posted by Brice D. Wilson on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 05:30:00 PST

The Things Missed When Your Gone

The Things Missed When Your GoneThis poem is not about any body in particular it’s just basically about some sad, mad, happy, and hated moments that are in a relationship. The feeling that&rsquo...
Posted by Brice D. Wilson on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 01:33:00 PST


Success's Face On PaperLiving in a world that success is not much in my favorOr like everyone is eating success like candy but it just not my flavorI stay in stuck mode only because the people around ...
Posted by Brice D. Wilson on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 10:57:00 PST

Girls Fill This Out...Por Favor

1. what do they call you?2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you find me attractive? 5. Do you have a crush on me? 6. Would you kiss me? 7.What would you do if i told you i love you ...
Posted by Brice D. Wilson on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:58:00 PST


I know why the caged birds sing For the dreams I have glides upon its wings Dreams of my forefathers like Dr.King Dreams of being anything I can be.   A new day a new hour Now look who's in power...
Posted by Brice D. Wilson on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 07:04:00 PST

My View Of The Girls.

The beauty of a girl is not in the cloths she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a girl must be seen from her eyes, Because that is the doorway to her hea...
Posted by Brice D. Wilson on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 09:36:00 PST

My Love For A Girl

I know u are complete and whole but let me enhance u. Cuz after all who would make u feel that tingle if u had to romance u. And who's eyes would u look so deeply into if u were the only one who dance...
Posted by Brice D. Wilson on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 06:49:00 PST