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About Me

My name is Chelsea and I am a proud American. I love this country and every precious freedom it has granted me. Even more, I love all the soldiers who keep it free with their sacrifices. I could rant on and on about how AMAZING our soldiers are, but all my praises and expressions of gratitude would only fall short considering just how much I owe them. To all military veterans, I’d like to give a sincere “Thank-You” and hope that you are repaid twice the blessings your sacrifices have secured for me.I truly believe that America is THE GREATEST NATION to ever exist, and I was blessed just by being born here. The lord further blessed me by giving me two very loving, compassionate, and down-right amazing parents. Even though I don't even like myself most of the time, they still seem to find a way to love me. I am fortunate enough to have two loving sisters who mean the world to me. However, I rarely express to them just how much I care.I love the Confederate flag and have LOTS of Southern pride, but I am an American above all else. I am a proud “un-hyphenated American” with ties only to America. I’m pretty loyal to Tennessee, as well. I don’t think I could ever live anywhere else, especially not out of the U.S.Although I am a devoted Christian, often times I forget about what Jesus would do and just go ahead with what Chelsea wants to do. I’m working on that, though. I consider myself a radical right-wing extremist, but I feel a patriotic Christian wouldn’t be any other way. I am a conservative republican in mostly every way: I think a woman exercises her "right to choose" when she chooses to have sex with a man she has no intention of having kids with; I love my country and its military; I am against gay marriage, but I could care less if a person makes a personal decision to be gay (which, by the way, I believe it is a choice); I consider affirmative action to be demeaning and unfair; I am strongly against fornication; I like trees, but I don’t hug them; I think the issue of illegal immigration is very simple- IF THEY DON'T BELONG HERE, SEND THEM BACK; I think if burning the American flag is the right of a citizen, then beating the crap out of flag burners should be the right of our soldiers and veterans. There is no justifiable reason to be so disrespectful to all the men and women who have fought or GIVEN THEIR LIVES for that flag (if you have a problem with the government and its policies, go out and vote; don’t spit in the faces of our veterans).I am also a devout follower of Ann Coulter. I believe she says the things that need to be said, whether they’re politically correct or not. Which if you haven't noticed by now, I don't buy into all the political correct crap the liberals are selling. I think global warming is a big sham, and I believe the “Religion of Peace” is nothing more than a large terrorist organization in the guise of an enlightened religion. I am disgusted with most females because they’re either crazy feminists or nasty sluts. I choose not to curse or use certain offensive words, but that is my choice. Regardless of which minority group is offended, I don't believe the governement has any business telling us which words we can and cannot use. Finally, I believe that any American who does not wake up each morning thankful to be living in this wonderful country and appreciative of the soldiers who protect it should move to Cuba or Saudi Arabia (so they'll learn first hand why we're the world's greatest).
Ah... Islam, the Religion of Peace!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Well, I'm really hoping to meet Jesus one day. But as for who I'd like to meet while I'm still living, the list reads as follows: Ann Coulter, future President Tom Tancredo, any military veterans, Chris Simcox, Sean Hannity, George Allen, Rick Santorum, President Bush, Tucker Carlson, Michele Malkin, The A-mazing Chris Henry, Glenn Beck, Rupert Murdoch, and Rush Limbaugh.Oh, and John Murtha (so I could punch him in his ungrateful face!)

My Blog

Thank God the professor I turned this into wasnt a liberal!

         The Politically Incorrect Guide to Political Correctness    If eliminating all traces of racism, sexism, and religious persecution from civilized ...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 18:49:00 GMT

Although he’s no longer running, he’s the only man I’d want to be President.

Of them all, one man stands out. Undeniably different from his UFO-sighting, socialized healthcare-pushing, war-opposing until it comes down to a vote adversaries on the left, Tom Tancredo even finds ...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:46:00 GMT

You can just call me Chelsea 'Maya angelou' Ingle

News, News all the time, It's hardly ever off my mind. I love to be there when the story breaks, and feel the excitement that it makes. Fox covers it all- war, famine, hurricanes too, and that's just...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 17:20:00 GMT