Dead Town Revival profile picture

Dead Town Revival

South Chicago Punk Rock and Roll

About Me

Dead Town Revival - "Rain" Dead Town Revival - "Let It Out" says..."Hasta La Muerte" is a cd you can sink your fangs into without worrying about some sappy lil' boy begging his boyfriend to come back to his pathetic whining ass before he jumps off a bridge!"
Hailing from the working class streets of the South side of Chicago, Dead Town Revival is a self-described "punk-n-roll" band with a wide ranging list of influences from punk staples such as the Misfits and Social Distortion to rock legends Led Zeppelin and country hero Johnny Cash.
Dead Town Revival's driving melodic music speaks of love lost, hard luck and a complete disdain for authority. It's like a punch in the face for the person who enjoys pain. Dead Town Revival's debut full-length album hit stores in February of 2007 and is available now on
Dead Town Revival formed from the ashes of several Chicago bands and the range of musical influences of the band members has created a unique sound that stays rooted in the undeniable 'Chicago punk sound'.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/25/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: NATE: Vocals, Guitar
ERIK: Bass
MIKE: Lead Guitar
RICH: Drums
SCOTT: Rhythm Guitar
Influences: /
Sounds Like:

Dead Town Revival phone wallpaper (FREE)

DEAD TOWN REVIVAL - Waco ringtone ($1.99 charged to your phone bill - NO RECURRING MONTHLY CHARGES!)

DEAD TOWN REVIVAL - Rain ringtone ($1.99 charged to your phone bill - NO RECURRING MONTHLY CHARGES!)

DEAD TOWN REVIVAL - Hell Bent ringtone ($1.99 charged to your phone bill - NO RECURRING MONTHLY CHARGES!)
Record Label: Sinister Muse Records (
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

DTR Gets reviews..... Lollipop Mag.

Dead Town Revival Hasta La Muerte (Sinister Muse)By Craig Regala Way back during the Sex Pistols' 20th anniversary show, one of the guys reviewing it mentioned "punk rock" had become a sort of folk mu...
Posted by Dead Town Revival on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 06:59:00 PST

Loud Fast Rules Interview!

Posted by Dead Town Revival on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 03:47:00 PST

DTR in Winter 2007 - 2008 issue of Loud Fast Rules

Hey, we have a 2 page feature in LFR, Winter 2007- 2008. Do yourself, and us a favor and pick up a copy. They are available at most major bookstores and record shops. I would post the article her...
Posted by Dead Town Revival on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 01:56:00 PST

My life as a Reike Master

Dead Town Revival in currently enrolled in Reiki classes. So any of you depressed bastards that need help with your emotional state can have one of us pretend to help you after our next show. Just com...
Posted by Dead Town Revival on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 08:44:00 PST

Austin , I miss you already!!!

Well, we made it back to Chicago this morning around 7am. What a trip. Flatfoot and the Frantic were alot of fun to hang with. We played some great shows along the way. Thanks to everyone that came ou...
Posted by Dead Town Revival on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 11:09:00 PST

Dead Town Revival - On Tour!

Proudly Sponsored By Tyger O'Stylie's Public House, Berwyn, IL....
Posted by Dead Town Revival on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 08:39:00 PST

New Guitarist

Thanks to everyone who came out last Saturday. We had a great time. we now have a new guitarist on lead. Mike Galvin. We're very happy to welcome him into our disfunctional family. We think he fits in...
Posted by Dead Town Revival on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 06:54:00 PST

The road to SXSW

Hello all!Just an update on the happenings in the world of DTR. We have a few more Chicago shows lined up before we hit the road with Flatfoot 56 and our label-mates The Frantic. The next few shows sh...
Posted by Dead Town Revival on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 06:21:00 PST

DTR in Chicago Reader

DEAD TOWN REVIVAL When someone says of a punk band, "These guys could be huge," it isn't always a compliment. But when I heard this Blue Island group's full-length debut, Hasta la Muerte (Sinister Mus...
Posted by Dead Town Revival on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 12:53:00 PST

The Fest 6!!!

Dead Town Revival is proud to have been asked to be a part of this year's Fest 6 in Gainesville, FL. We are excited to be playing with bands that we have been fans of for years!We will be playing Frid...
Posted by Dead Town Revival on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 09:05:00 PST