I'd like to meet:
My name is Renee
I have 2 children (18 & 21), who I love with all my heart. I have 8 cats (one I raised since she was born)... I luv you Daisy.. and 3 I lost(Tink, Lilly & Pookie). 1 Dog (RIP Murphy & Jazzy...I miss you). I have been with my man for 12 years (good Lord), Luv ya Bill(most of the time). I have great friends who I adore (you know who you are).I love Jesus & I even have a great job. What more can a girl want??
Myspace Graphics
Myspace Graphics
Myspace Graphics
Free Glitter Text Maker Comments & LayoutsMINE AND BILL'S CHILD...DAISY!!
Custom Comments and More @ †Dark Angel Designz †All my babies... Tiffany, Oreo, Zoey, Norma, Minnie, Tiva, Matada, my Daisy and Keiko...I Luv my babies!!!!