subverting the NWO, awakening the kundalini and chakras, conspiracy theories, freemasonry12th planet,HAARP, hyperdimensional physics,Richard C. Hoagland, Zecharia Sitchtin,annunaki, ancient megaliths,great circles and ley lines, the illuminati, the number 33, 19.47, (golden section, phi, fibonacci) mars, iapetus, astral projection, psychic abilities, egyptians, sumerians, mayans,Atlantis,lucid dreaming,, metal fab, car design
The Goonies-style wars-the warriors
don't have one anymore
Leonardo da vinci, eliphas levi, aleister crowley, jesus, buddha, MacGuyver, single parents, kids living with single parents, my roomates, my mom, my teachers, and people that are passionate about stuff