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Veronica Romeo

Sueños que son tan perfectos"Official Myspace site

About Me

NO TENGO PALABRAS LAS IMAGENES HABLAN POR SI SOLAS MILLONES DE GRACIASGRACIAS A MABEL Y JUANVIquedada despedidaThis is the Magazine MAN. The 22th will be in stores. It was a pleasure to be part of this magazine with so much history. Madonna was in MAN too. Enjoy the Making of
Get this video and more at MySpace.comBorn July 18, 1978 in Elche, a city located in Alicante, Spain. This is Veronica now: an unshakeable, unstoppable whirlwind full of energy, ferociously ambitious and a great fighter, who is not afraid of challenges. She is guided by heart and by keeping both feet on the ground. This talented girl is Veronica Romeo.This singer/songwriter/actress is renowned by her special talent and feeling, as well as, her striking and radiant beauty. She is not the kind of girl who rest on her laurels. Since 2001, when she appeared on a TV show, she has been one of the sexiest singers ever.For Veronica, the relationship with her fans is tremendously important. They keep me going. They inspire me. I do all I can to keep in close touch with the fans who support my music, whether it be via my shows or through the Internet. The energy I get from them is extraordinary.Her first album entitled la fuerza del sol, released in the year 2002, sold 100.000 copies; the second one was on the stores two years after under the name of lluvia, it sold 50.000 copies.During the last two years, Veronica has grown up a lot. Last year, she was in London, where she studied drama and took dancing lessons. Now, she has her own record label called VK48Music. Her third album will be on the stores next fall. It was written in London, produced in Alicante and is been Mastering in Los Angeles.Veronica has produced all the songs from this album, has written all the lyrics and has made most of the music. She was deeply involved in every single aspect of the creation of this work, from singing all of her backing vocals to overseeing the treatment of the instruments, as well as their recording until to the final mix.It doesnt matter where she has been, who she has performed to or which awards she has received Veronica is still Veronica.Im basically just a girl who likes writing, who likes rocking out and who wants music to be a part of my life forever This is me an unexpected road trip, a family vacation, a reunion with my friends, a birthday party and a night on the town, all in one. This is Veronica now!.slide showFONdO PANTALLA Vota tu cancion preferida
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Member Since: 2/25/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
Quedada Slide Show 2007VeronicaVideoclip Conectado a mi Colabora Antonio López y Pablo Pinedo y 10 fans impresionantesConectado a mi

Add to My Profile | More VideosVideo Clip Seria ImposibleSeria Imposible Vide Clip

Add to My Profile | More VideosVideo citroenveronica y citroen

Add to My Profile | More VideosFotos slideFONDO PANTALLA gasolineravideo tomas falsasTomas falsas

Add to My Profile | More VideosEse banner de mi pedazo club de fans
Influences: Queen "of course", Green Day, blink 182RELOJ

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Sounds Like: Demandmapa..


Espero que os guste

DOWNLOUD MY ALBUM FROM ITUNES USpeazo guitarrapedazo montaje de Ruben Yo en dibujo animado
Record Label: VK 48 music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Hola a todos, ya ha pasado el pavo y pobrecitos los pavos, ya tengo bastantes canciones compuestas y en breve aunque son fiestas por aqui empiezo seleccionarlas y la verdad estoy muy contenta. Por cie...
Posted by Veronica Romeo on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 07:31:00 PST

viajando al pais de nunca jamas

Hola a todos duendecillos..... Mañana a las 7 de la mañana sale mi vuelo al pais de nunca jamas, el pais donde mis sueños dejaran de ser solamente sueños para dar forma  a una nueva rea...
Posted by Veronica Romeo on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 10:37:00 PST

Conectado a mi ya es Descarga de Oro

Hola a todosssssssssssssss Tengo una noticia muy bonita y muy emocionante que contaros, ayer se hizo oficial que la Canción "Conectado a mi" es Disco Digital de Oro, gracias al apoyo de cada uno de v...
Posted by Veronica Romeo on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:34:00 PST

Sorpresa Atletico Feminas

Aqui os pongo la sorpresa que les di a las feminas del Atletico de Madrid en la Gala que tuvo lugar en el Vicente calderón. Espero que os guste. Os quiero un huevo de Avestruzzzzzzzzzzz ...
Posted by Veronica Romeo on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:19:00 PST

Sorpresa Atletico Feminas

  Fue la sorpresa que les di a las feminas del atletico de Madrid Espero que os guste a todos.   Os quiero un huevo de Avestruzzzzzz...
Posted by Veronica Romeo on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:22:00 PST

Houston en el spaces de microsoft tengo problemas

Hola a todosssssssssssssssssssssss. Esto es una pesadillaaaaa, me pongo a escribir y no publica la entrada, espero que esta valga. (eso lo empezé a escribir en el windows live)   Primero le mando...
Posted by Veronica Romeo on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 01:44:00 PST

Hola a todossssssssssssssssssss

Hola a todossssssssssssssssss!!! Ya han pasado unos días y he vuelto a la normalidad después del jet lag por el cambio horario. El fin de semana pasado estuve viendo a las feminas del Atlético de Madr...
Posted by Veronica Romeo on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 02:10:00 PST

Video de Vero

>   Veronica Espero que os guste...
Posted by Veronica Romeo on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 03:12:00 PST