I like to think I'm pretty smart...after I've had coffee. Before that, I'm merely entertaining.
I write music ; mostly electronica, and almost never with lyrics. I'm a horrible lyricist, but every few years I come up with something good.
I'm a licensed amateur radio operator. Yes, you can call me a ham, and yes, I'll get the joke.
I enjoy photography :
See more at http://hellonweelz.deviantart.com . Seriously. ;)
I've loved and lost, and I've been lost and found. Finding myself is finally working out, and I find myself happiest when I learn something incredibly complex and difficult.
I'm gifted with the ability to surprise people, and sometimes have the good fortune to recurse in that regard.
I simultaneously pity and love my fellow human, and occasionally want to administer some common sense, compassion, and perspective via the back of my hand.
I'm patient -- when I have to be.
I'm double-majoring in physics and computer engineering at the U of A. Because I can.
I plan on pursuing graduate work at MIT. Because I can.
I intend to live and work in the EU when all the torture is done. Because I can.
I'm incredibly, incredibly modest.
I love being me.
If you want to be on my friends list and don't know me, send me a message . I'll think about it.