Throw Some Ds on That profile picture

Throw Some Ds on That

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

wuz good this yall nigga dre iam goin 2 tell yall some thing bout me.... i like 2 have fun and hang out with my niggas and act crazy i did play football 4 westover but thiz year we r not doin good so i'm just workin right now... but i will play next year. i'm pushin a ford explorer with 2 15s and two 12s and with a 2000 watt amp and im gettn 22's for christmas... 4 all the ladies i am a really a nice and cool person 2 hang out with... but hit a nigga up if u want 2 get 2 know a me a little bit more oh and im not for any lil grl games im a grown man so if u cant handle that then dont even waist my time nor urs. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Click here to make Falling Objects Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady Andre McGrady ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Music Video: THROW SOME D'S (by Rich Boy)

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Mi Girl Shanell///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


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