My interests right now are my family and my dogs. I love spending time with my family. I love the quiet movie nights with just me and my husband and I also love the get togethers with the WHOLE family there. Its a good balance!
I would love to meet Chad Michael Murray!! I know that is so "teenagery" but I just love him. I am totally sucked in to One Tree Hill and that would just be awesome to meet the star of the show!! I would also like to meet Sandra Bullock. She seems fun...
I listen to Country most of the time. I like pop music and some rap, but mostly its Country. My favorite station is Q100.5 though. I love the Bert Show.
My favorite movie of all times is definitely Dirty Dancing. Anyone who knows me, knows that!! I could sit and watch that movie over and over.
My favorite shows currently on T.V. are One Tree Hill and House. Everwood is good too. Every now and then I will catch the Real World, but I don't make it a point to watch it. House is so intense, me and Todd stay glued to the t.v. when its on.
The last book I read was Blood Brother. It is the book about Scott Peterson. Very interesting! I would definitely suggest reading it.
My hero is my Mama. She has made a single parent home the best home ever. She has worked her butt off to give me and my brothers everything that we need. She definitely made up for there being no father around. She is both Mama and Daddy!!! I love her so much!!