kodie profile picture


Doubt grows with knowledge

About Me

I love the outdoors and the sun. I inadvertently kill orchids so I'm reluctant to buy any more houseplants until I can properly handle my greenthumb. I am more creative than analytical.

My Interests

Running. Spelling competitions. Balancing my checkbook. Dr. Phil. Arguing, usually with men. BOSU with Sarah. Eating out. The beach. Travel. Loving my dog. Cooking. Root canals. Spending time in solitude. Piano - playing. Photography and writing and painting and making cards from scratch for people who deserve them. Plants. Flowers. Spirituality although my myspace page is rarely a REAL relfection of anything remotely close to who I truly am. Music - okay, this is getting too romantic and cheesy and I'm pretty lactose-intolerant. Things change for a reason as do people, as do friends.

I'd like to meet:

my mailman...and I must say it's defintely time for a long recess.


Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.


I love lime cuervo mixed with cheap poetic rhymes. When people give me shit, I like to confuse them.


Je lis beaucoup, mais je ne parlais pas francais parce que je n'aime pas parler.


my parents,I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Blog

Pictures of the condo I bought June 1st

(note the LIVING orchids in the last picture)...
Posted by kodie on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 11:35:00 PST