John profile picture


Cancer.... are you sure... Hodgkins Disease Lymphoma stage 3.... really....(EXPLITIVE DELTED)!!!!!!!

About Me

I am 26 years old. I live in West Bend Wisconsin. I graduated from UW-Platteville in 2004 with a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice. I have 2 tattoos. I have all the respect in the world for my tattoo guy Paul at Absolute Tattoos in Menominee Falls. Anyways, I have kind of an upright job, so I like to go out and have fun when I am not there. I love to go riding on my motorcycle, play frisbee golf, or mini-golf when I have the chance. I also enjoy softball, football, darts, pool, you name it I will try it at least once. I have a super fun, intelligent, beautiful girlfriend(as pictured). I am pretty sure she is the love of my life.... I was recently diagnesed with Hodgkins Disease Lymphoma and am in the middle of chemo. Well, anyways thanks for stopping by. Get your own free cool template at MySpace Layouts

My Interests

Movies, books, the ocassional video game, motorcycles, muscle cars, girls.

I'd like to meet:

Abraham Lincoln, John Goodman, Robert E. Lee, and Julia Roberts... Jill knows why ;)


Anything really. My favorite bands are Aerosmith, Linkin Park and Fort Minor. But I also enjoy listening to Dave Matthews, Nickelback, pretty much anything with a good beat.


I like action, but will watch pretty much anything.


Heroes, Stargate, Dirty Jobs, Mythbusters, Ultimate Fighter... those are just a few of my Tivo selections.


Science Fiction and Fantasy mostly. A Stephen King novel every once in a while. My favorite book is Ender's Game, and the series that relvolves around it. But I am also a fan of Terry Brooks, and Stephen R. Donaldson.


Superman, my grandpa, and my dad.

My Blog

The human experiment

I thought I would share a few of my observations and revalations that I had while being tattooed recently. I consider myself pretty pain tolerant. The worst part of my tattoo was when I had one color...
Posted by John on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 03:07:00 PST

Death of the crocidile hunter.

Wow, who saw getting barbed by a sting ray?? I would have for surely thought snake or a reptile would have killed the croc hunter. I feel sorry for his family, I am sure they will do fine in the futur...
Posted by John on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 01:47:00 PST