Hey, my name is Buddy. I live in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, which is in the middle of bum fuck no where. Friends and family mean everything to me. Without them, I don't know what I would do. I did go to Hillcrest High School but I droped out and i'm not ashamed to admit it. I plan on getting my GED soon and maybe start Shelton State Community College in the near future. I am a very quiet person when it comes to meeting new people. Once I get use to you, I am completely different. I also hope to become a great guitarist one day. Once I get my guitar I am going to dedicate my life to music and my future band, so hope for the best. I am also a heavy gamer. I play Halo 3 on Xbox Live. I only play MLG, so hit me up and we will play some customs. My Gamertag is SeA KriT. I hope to be geting a job soon, so my gaming wont be so heavy then.Video I made of the best Breakdown(s) ever made.
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