Anne * ELLIOT MINOR - looking forward to Solaris profile picture

Anne * ELLIOT MINOR - looking forward to Solaris

I am here for Friends

About Me

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Very happily married for 22 years - I obviously was a child bride LOL *cough. Two beautiful daughters - that sometimes drive me insane but I am so proud of them both. No pets anymore, but did have a tortoise for 25 years who I still miss badly! He used to chase us round the garden (honest!!! the kids were scared of him and would stand on the bench to get away from him). During his last summer he fell in love with a 'trainer' and used to do things to it that really he shouldn't!!!!!!!!!...................
I'm not really your average mother - the girls tell ME off for having MY music too loud! Music means everything to me. I need it like I need air to breathe! What makes a good song? One that makes me happy or sad, or remember something from the past, or makes me want to prance around like a loony.... I have spent hours and hours queuing to get into venues just to get the front row and also just because I want to stand there waiting with other people who share my passion and who have become good friends - my 'gig buddies'
I've got many different names. Kylie calls me either Mayhew or Batch, don't ask me why!! Lisa calls me Gren but we won't go there. Hubby calls me Baz, but that's a VERY long story involving sheep, one group of friends call me Maddie (cos I always said I lived in a madhouse), guess everyone else calls me Anne, or whatever else they want, my mother calls me Carolyn quite a lot, but that's my sister's name.....
Things you might not know about me: I'm way too honest. I'm the kind of person that would hand a £5 note into the police station, I have a radish addiction, I don't break the speed limit, I only swear if it's absolutely necessary, say if an elephant trod on my foot then I might utter something quite mild. I hate arguing. I had a ghost whisper in my ear once. I say 'cool' far too much.
The most surreal moment of my life was when I went to watch the Band JOHNNY PANIC play at a pub in London and in walked DANNY from MCFLY and later, MATT WILLIS to watch... having spent many many hours over the years standing at the gates of Wembley in the hope of meeting these guys I just couldn't believe it. Kick myself now for not speaking to them. Although we did meet McFly before they even had their first No. 1 - it was when they supported Busted and they came to the gates and nobody really knew who they were!
I'm currently obsessed with the Band ELLIOT MINOR, as if you couldn't tell? Discovered them in March 07 after seeing their video for PARALLEL WORLDS on Kerrang. Within a week I had listened to maybe 20 of their demos and loved them all - in fact, more than loved them, was addicted to them. Have seen them now 11 times and any MySpace comments/messages I have from them are very precious because I know that one day they'll probably be too famous and busy but I appreciate them so much.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Already met Elliot Minor and David Sneddon so guess I'm kinda satisfied....Gigs I've Been To Busted x4 David Sneddon x7 Eighth Wave (supporting) x1 Elliot Minor x11 Go: Audio x 1 Johnny Panic x2 Jonas Brothers x1 Kids in Glass House x 1 (supporting) The Killers x1 Koopa x3 McFly x3 Saving Aimee (supporting) x1 Shibby(supporting) x3 The Sham x6 Take That x3

My Blog

Elliot Minor@The Princes Theatre, Clacton 21/7/08

Me and Lisa set off for clacton with the Sat Nav up loud... anyone who knows me knows how I hate driving and never stray far from home so the 33 miles to Clacton seemed like a really big thing!! Anywa...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 05:39:00 GMT

Elliot Minor@itunes festival, Kokos, London, 6/7/08

Me, Lisa and Katie got to the venue at 11.30am.  There were a few already there, but not many.  Took our place and waited and waited.... ha. Saw EM's tour bus arrive and they all went in.&nb...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 12:18:00 GMT

Elliot Minor - HMV London signing 25th June 08

Lisa and I got to HMV at 2.30pm.  Asked several people where we were supposed to wait for the signing and everybody said something different.  One girl told us to wait down an alley so we we...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 06:04:00 GMT

Elliot Minor @ The Astoria, London 12/4/08

Lisa, me and Katie got to the Astoria about 11.30am and there was already quite a big queue.  Met up with old friends - one of the best things about standing outside a venue for hours on end.&nbs...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 06:11:00 GMT

Elliot Minor signing at Zavvi, London, 8th April 08

Me and Lisa got to London about 2.15 and went straight to Zavvi.  There were already about 10 people queuing.  Nearly had a heart attack when I read that it was a wristband only event and it...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 09:55:00 GMT

Elliot [email protected] Live, Wembley 15/3/08

After a brief trip to Primark in Oxford Street me and Lisa got the tube up to Wembley.  Met up with Lisa’s friends Livi and Claire then queued in the rain for 1/2 hour or so to get in. ...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 06:44:00 GMT

Elliot Minor Gig 26th Oct 07

Me and Lisa got to the Astoria 2 about 11.45 am lol - mad or what!  There were already a few there and as usual everyone soon got chatting and laughing.  The guys in front had got Teddy a tr...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 06:09:00 GMT

My Elliot Minor poem

Five guys have changed my life by milestheir music rocks and makes me smile.each song, each bar and every beat,gets me jumping to my feet.'Time after Time', by far my fave,I sing and dance to it all d...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 07:05:00 GMT