Jason profile picture


...She's my CatieGirl...

About Me

I am the resulting mess you'll get if you fill a life with strange abstract music, psychodynamic art, pet walking sticks, Irish coffee, marmalade, termite hunting, celtic games, never ending pointless conversation, mythology, cat farming, collecting books, 3d puzzles, eclectic old people, and a brave FIANCE willing to put up with the entire fiasco!

My Interests

Music is always on my mind. I enjoy studing theory until my mind goes numb. Music is my religion, nothing is closer to God. I like building almost anything. Someday I'll have a big work shop to tinker in and build experimental instruments. Above all else I love quality time with my family and friends!!!

I'd like to meet:

Mr. Miyagi.


I find enjoyment in all types of music. Although I enjoy some way less than others at times all depending on the mood. I like origanal sounding stuff with deep talent. Even sucky music can be sampled from to come up with something great! My influence in my music is from The Beatles, Elliot Smith, Pearl Dejango, John Butler, Dave Mathews, Superwolf, Tom Waits, Radiohead, and the great alternative music from the 90's including the one hit wonders. Just discoverd Ravi Shankar and also Feist and Nickle Creek.


The Jerk is so dumb it's one of the best movies ever made. The Christmas Story with the dorky kid. Also Bruce Lee and other cheezy action movies from the 70's and 80's! Independent films are always good because if they stink they have the excuse of a low budget. I love anything comedy. If you can't laugh once in a movie you wasted your time!!


Monty Phyton! The dumb slap stick comedy influences T.V. as much as the Beatles did for music. The news is depressing, I only watch the weather. If there is anything on that can make me laugh it takes priority. If nothing is on I'm always up for an old western.


I like deep religous reading so... the Bible, Qur'an, tao te ching, Rumi, and The Far Side.

My Blog


Hello- Welcome to my myspace.  It is a slow work in progress.  AOL dial up sucks!!  Anyway, if you want to join my friends feel free.  Eventually I'll get around to surfing the mys...
Posted by Jason on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 09:47:00 PST