my puppy, Elle!
myself 6 years ago. I think she'd be quite interesting to talk to and not in a narcissistic way. It would be the self assurance that I'd make myself okay no matter what. But in doing so, I wouldn't have become the bad ass - lack of human emotions person that I am today. Oh joy. So I guess I'll just wait around to meet God.
I listen to everything honestly. Xtina - can't beat her and well, I like Eminem too.
Action films. Hate hate hate chick flicks. V for Vendetta. Catch me if you can. Swordfish. Slevin. The Departed!!!
SOUTH PARK! Everybody loves Raymond. I don't really get alot of time to watch tv. It hypnotizes people into lucid despondency by showing you what you lack and giving you the distorted image of what you should become. Oh those impressionable young minds......
Fantasy fiction --- It's great to read books that have no boundaries and magic stories have that. They captivate you to another world.
Everyone in their own right is a hero. It takes alot to face a new day with its challenges and obstacles. While some do it better than others, all that matters is that you tried.