You're 100% Irish
Congratulations, you're a shining example of an Irish lass (or lad).
There's hardly anyone more Irish than you! How Irish Are You? Today it angers me to see pictures of Brendan Hughes funeral and Gerry Adams carrying his coffin. In my opinion it is easy to stand up and carry a coffin when the person has died,,, it takes true strenght and conviction to carry someone when they are alive,,, but this was not in the character of Gerry Adams he walked away and turned his back on Brendan Hughes a comrade and a friend when he needed him in his later years. MAY BRENDAN HUGHES REST IN PEACE, AND I HOPE HE NOW HAS PEACE IN HEAVEN THAT HE SO MUCH SOUGHT FOR ON THIS EARTH
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Peace be with you. And also with you. We lift our hearts. We lift them up to the Lord.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum blandit, tellus nec fringilla aliquet, justo felis condimentum urna, non pharetra purus leo non lorem. Suspendisse feugiat auctor felis. Phasellus pretium lectus eu enim placerat volutpat. Integer imperdiet sodales urna. Vestibulum non nisl. Praesent scelerisque viverra metus. Ut adipiscing rhoncus neque. Aliquam vel turpis. Nam a quam. Integer posuere, dui a molestie interdum, risus sapien semper diam, a volutpat nulla nibh et odio. Curabitur in purus. Morbi bibendum nunc tincidunt mauris. Cras rutrum libero at tortor.
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The shameful record of medical neglect to Irish Republican political prisoners continues at Ireland's Portlaoise Prison!!Aidan Hulme, long in grave pain from a poorly treated injury sustained before he was first interned in a British prison over 6 years ago; must have immediate and specialist care for his worsening physical condition. Send an email and letter today to the addresses below to let the Irish Government know you will not tolerate this barbarian treatment of an Irish citizen in an Irish jail!Please send an email or letter today to the Irish government bodies listed below. Sample letter enclosed or use your own text.Items Below:--------------------1. STATEMENT FROM PORTLAOISE P.O.W.S2. HISTORY OF MEDICAL NEGLECT TO P.O.W.S3. CONTACT IRISH GOV'T – SAMPLE LETTER4. BACKGROUND – MORE INFORMATION on AIDAN HULME-------------------1. STATEMENT FROM PORTLAOISE POW'S, E3This year marks the 7th anniversary of the death of volunteer Kevin Murray due to the neglect of the Free State prison service and yet again Republican POW's are suffering under this regime. At this moment Aidan Hulme is lying in a cell in Portlaoise in severe pain due to a motor accident that occurred prior to his incarceration by British forces over six years ago.Since his return home over a year ago he has still not received the surgical attention he requires in order to relieve his pain and aid his mobility. His hope in returning to Ireland was that his fellow country men would help in his plight, but all he has received is a deaf ear and a daily dose of 23 tablets and a morphine patch.The more Aidan complains the more the authorities attempt to silence him with more and more medication when all that is required is a simple operation.Republican prisoners have experienced this before, Kevin Murray made numerous complaints to the medical staff in the prison and was given glasses for 'bad eyesight' when in actual fact he had a brain tumour.Aidan was offered an amputation in England despite the fact that a relatively simple operation would solve his problem. Recently he needed to go to hospital but was forced to wait a day and a half owing to the fact that he is a political prisoner whereas criminals have much better access than republicans.The state of medical attention is sub standard with delays of days to see a doctor and months to see a dentist. This situation is intolerable and we will not wait for the death of another comrade before we act.Republican POW's E3 Wing Portlaoise.-------------------2. WHY WAS KEVIN MURAY ALLOWED TO DIE? ..Remember Vol. Kevin Murray -- died as a direct result of total medical neglect for a massive brain tumor in 2001. Not again!!-------------------3. SAMPLE LETTER – PLEASE CONTACT Department of Justice Brian Lenihan Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform 94 St. Stephen's Green Dublin 2 Phone: + 353 1 602-8202 Email: [email protected] ..Irish Prison Service IDA Business Park, Ballinalee Road, Longford, Co. Longford Tel: +353 43 35100 Fax: +353 43 35101 Email: [email protected] ..Governor Mr. T.J. Walsh Portlaoise Prison Dublin Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois. Tel: 0502 21318 Fax: 0502 20997 Email: [email protected] ..To whom it may concern,I am writing with grave concerns for the health and welfare of Aidan Hulme, a Republican political prisoner at Portlaoise Prison.Since being repatriated to Portlaoise in 2006, Aidan has continued to suffer great pain from injuries sustained over six years ago before being interned in Britain. It was his great hope, as mine, that his repatriation to Ireland would finally result in the proper medical care he so badly needs.Aidan Hulme desperately needs surgery, not more pills. Currently he is taking 23 tablets for pain per day. He has made numerous complaints and requests for surgical attention to the Portlaoise prison governor and to the medical officer, but has only received more pain pills in response.You will recall, as I do, the 2001 death of another Republican prisoner, Kevin Murray, who had also made numerous complaints and requests for medical attention. Like Aidan, all that Kevin Murray received from Portlaoise doctors were tablets. When the massive brain tumor was finally discovered, it was far too late to operate, and Kevin was released to hospice to die.Please allow Aidan Hulme the simple operation that he requires. Under international Human Rights laws including the Geneva Convention for the Treatment of Prisoners of War; the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Aidan Hulme is entitled to the same comforts of any Irish citizen while in your care.
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