i'm 23 and I have a 5yr old boy . I love my family. I am very protective of my family and friends. I love to sing and play basketball. I don't know what more to say. so if you have any questions hit me up and i'll get back at youbeginmyspacetoolboxbackup version 1.0;;000000; http://i.xanga.com/x_honeybear_x/art-anime-01.jpg; center center; fixed; no-repeat; ffffff; 10pt; bold; ; ; ; verdana; ffffff; 10pt; bold; ; ; italic; verdana; ffffff; 12pt; bold; underline; ; italic; verdana; 660099; 12pt; bold; underline; ; ; verdana; ; ; center center; scroll; no-repeat; ; solid; 0;;endmyspacetoolboxbackup
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