4 wheeling with my pops when im home, and if i still had my ol truck- off roading everyday in everyway- but no worries ima be getting a new one soon.. and pretty much, movies- hanging with buddies, and doing whatever
pretty much, anyone who wants a smile..
pretty much anything, mostly its been country and more of the slow stuff of any kind.
las vegas is pretty much the most bad ass show ever..
yeah theres a few, but books is kind of a foreign word to me now' days
anyone who fights hard for what they beleive in is a hero in my eyes, to never give up and self pride above all.but personally its all about my family- my pops for being a bad ass father and doing everything to keep the rest of my family together,happy and strong. my mom for always sacraficing and never a frown on her face. my oldest sister leslie, she was on the bottom of everyones thoughts of making of anything, but she has shown everyone that shes a bad ass, anything she puts her mind and heart to- she pursues, and shes made if longer and further mostly everyone would have thought. my sister sarah- the perect everything it seems, but it didnt come easy for her, shes a hard worker, outgoing.. and a kind heart.. and behind the shadows she stepped up to who she is today.. gotta love and respect my family... also for all my fellow war fighters from yesterday,today, and tommorow. OORAH... classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/ flash/swflash.cab..version=6,0,0,0" WIDTH="360" HEIGHT="528" id="eye234445" ALIGN="" ..and my whole family, ive always tried to add up to them, they are great in anything they do, kept me motivated through boot camp, and still to today... anywhere form a PHD, employee of the month/never calling in sick, a vetenarians assitance/voice of a pretty high toned angel-lol... or graduating from tcu/ pretty much running a school/agency when your 18... no goal is set to low for my family...