Conner and I at playpool, music and camping, hiking just about any outdoor act. I like to drink .moutain bike riding,listening to music , going to concerts, I have been a bouncer for 3 years of my life from nothern Idaho to vegas to L.a. so I'm not much of one for big clubs. I enjoy the little bar with a good jukebox a pool table and stiff drinks lol. I love to spend time with my 3 year old boy and nephews and nieces. I love to play and listen to great music. so hit me up we'll talk to you then.right below is my little boy and his awsome sister kalyn.
laid back friends. some one to go out with on the weekends. party people. but all around friends. I like many diferent types of poeple except the fake plastic ken and barbie dolls. be who you are when you talk to me or just walk on home boy. I am really looking foward to alot of camping this summer so if you hear of anyhting good let me know lol. also not looking to make friends with people that are constantly in agro mode. I'm tired of angry people smoke some and just smile lol. so chill people.
I listen to all kinds of diffrent stuff. mostly heavier rock but as long as it has some meaning to me then I like it.KORN, slipknot,kittie,sublime,blindmelon, elvis, beetles,ludacris, slim shady,chevelle,foo fighters, NIN, pantera,stevie nicks, nirvana, hole, STP, tom petty, eagles, sepultura, chevelle, Iron maiden,godsmack,orgy,rancid, rage, type o neg., srh.,evanescence,off spring, dave mathews, green day,ac,dc, Garbage pink floyed, the raven theory.I have respect for alot more I just would not be one to put it in the record player my self,,,, you know?
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I' am more of one to listen to music during the day wrather then watch t.v. but at the end of the night I'm an angel buff(no pun intended lol). not into buffy but I do like angel. I have the first three and fifth season on dvd. king of the hill. all of those forensic shows. history channel milatary channel that kinda of crap.prison break .
Ann Rice of course J.R Tolkien.
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Is this damn thing gonna ask me my mothers maiden name next?!!! super man and any other duude thats ballsie enough to to where tighty white's( even if they weren't white) over spandex lol, go you fucking freaks go.. and Marlin Brando . my brother in the united states army and my sister in the united states navy and all there brothers and sisters in best friend Naomi because she is the best :) lol. my number one hero is my sister who shows me who I should be as a person. love you jen.