eVErythin 'bout informatiOn teChnoLOgy(internet..),oUtdoors, baSketbaLL..
peOple wHo caN hanDle my iNsaNity.....thOSe peOPle whom i can sHare my inTEreSt with..
rNB, raP, anD SloWrOCk....ahem!(not 2 meNtiOn a l!l bit of rOCK, yeah baBY!)
sTeveN spEilberg filMS, joHn wOO as weLL...hmmm...anythIn daT wud mAke me fiNk!
tHE siMpsoNs, sURviVors, fEaR faCtOr...dNt get to be a teeVee bUm..nowadayS....
anythin' worTh reaDiNg...em nOW inTo gOD's littLe devOtioNal bOOk fOr meN....(yep..em read!ing it!)
bILL GaTes, linUs TorvaLds....(doEs tHese guYS ring a bell?)