12 REASONS TO DATE A MOTOCROSS RACER!!!! ..1:They have strong fingers 2: They always know when to slow down and speed up 3: They have tremendous stamina and endurance 4: They always wear proper protection 5: They have the fastest 'lap' times 6: They know how to work their tools 7: They Love getting dirty 8: The harder and faster they go the better. 9: They know how to work around tight areas with ease 10: They're always practicing so they can become better 11: we really know how to keep it pinned !!!! 12: most of all we ride it like we stole it!! I was born to be around dirt bikes, and riding them ♠♠♠That even includes the DIRT BIKE RIDERS ♠♠♠I go crazy if im at the track, and CANT ride; thats about to change reeeeeal quick ♠♠♠Dirt bike riders that walk around with no shirts on... boots, and pants on walking around at the track... ♥ AMAZING ♠♠♠I love about all motorcross brands ♥ Expecially FOX ♠♠♠And i can't help that i get hooked up with it for FREE ♠♠♠Thanks Matt ♥