Movies, Bowling, Bar Hopping, Put-Put and Go cart Racing, I love to travel, but haven't done much of that lately. Want to see the world with that special someone one day.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Friendly and honest people, people who are caring and fun loving. I have met tons a people over my years, but there are still more to met. I not looking for anyone in the romantic area, because I found the love of my life. So anyone who wants to be friends and just have fun hitting the town is great.
I like all kinds of music except for county, unless it is old county music. Perfer Dance, Hip Hop and Pop Music.
Thanks to my special friend for introducing me to Formula 51 wow. Tomb Raider, Caddy Shak, Animal House, Scarface, The God Fathers, All James Bonds movies, Anything Funny, Romantic etc.
Will and Grace, 24, CSI, Dexter, anything sci-fi, football games of course.
Any self help books, not big on romance novels like most women are, they are to fake and mislead reality. I really like biographies and I enjoy greek methology and shakespear.
My Grandfather and grandmother, my best friend Mandy, who is like my sister and I love you for making me who i am. and H.K. for well you know! I thank them.