feelin good feelin great profile picture

feelin good feelin great

You can't go changing the past, you can only shape the future

About Me

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:: how nintendo are you? :: Hello my name is Justin and I'm a gamer. If you don't like that then Fuck You ;) Just kidding. I'm more than just your stereotypical gamer. I like going out and have fun with my friends and doing all types of fun stuff. Feel free to add me if you want to know more, but please no spambots!Or you can talk to me on these IMs. I'm mostly on Windows Live messagerYahoo:jwill_3434Windows Live:[email protected]:jwill34AIM-xMetriod SR388x You are charming.
You are very bright, and able to completely express yourself verbally. You have a lot of charisma and people are naturally attracted to you.
'What is your seduction style?' at QuizUniverse.com
What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Name: ..type='text' name='in0' size='32' maxlength='64' value='Justin'>
Age: ..type='text' name='in1' size='02' maxlength='02' value='23'>
Flirting Skill Level - 39%
Kissing Skill Level - 76%
Cudding Skill Level - 82%
Sex Skill Level - 84%
Why They Love You You know exactly what they want.
Why They Hate You You can be selfish.
..type="submit" name="submit" value="Try Your Answers!">
This Quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 4808 Times. New - Help with love and dating! What kind of kiss are you?
You have a dominant kiss- you take charge and make sure your partner can feel it! Done artfully, it can be very satisfactory if he/she is into you playing the dominant role MEORW!
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What RPG Class/Job Best Suits You? Your Result: White Mage/Chemist

Based on your results, you most likely wanna be a White Mage/Chemist. These people are very intelligent and harmful. Not offensively useful, but very valuable in the defensive. They prefer to stay behind the strong but heal and recover those that are weakened. If you are for peace and harmony, this is in your area. They carry Staffs

Summoner/Time Mage
Beast/Dragon Tamer
Black Mage/Geomancer
What RPG Class/Job Best Suits You?
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Layout by CoolChaser.. Planet Fallout

My Interests

Fine dining, gaming, cooking, women, sports and whole lot different things like getting drunk and playing Rock Band with my friends OH YEAH! ..

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movies that don't suck, go rent them The Punisher best gaming movie ever New Jack CityAll Van Damme Movies


Nip/Tuck is best show on TV period. I also enjoy The Wire, Gametrailers TV, Law and Order SUV, Sarah Conner Chronicles, Sports, and I'm going to give Lost a shot for my boy Josh.


I don't read many books just the newspaper and websites so hear are some of the best games ever
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My mom and my grandparents, they are the best thing to ever happen to me. My mom is the strongest women I know, my Grandma was and still is my best friend, my Grandpa was the one of the only positive males in my life, he is what I think a man should me. Moms taken care of business!!shigeru miyamoto