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Ms New Booty

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

MyHotCommentsHowdy Y'all (lol)...Its Anthony, I'm 21, I MoveD To Athens, Georgia FroM BoStoN, MA about nine months ago. CoMplete Culture Shock, BuT I LiKe It SoO FaR...Over the past few years i have been through alot, but I've lived, I've learned, and I've loved. My Hearts Been Broken, But Its Okay. I've Fucked Up MoRe ThaN a FeW TiMeS in My LiFe, But I HaVe No Regrets Because EveRythiNg i HaVe DoNe i WaNteD to...I've LeaRned the HaRd Way about TruStiNg so-called "True" Friends BuT RealiZeD ThaT The Only PeoPle YoU NeeD iN YouR LiFe aRe The oNeS ThaT NeeD YoU iN TheiRs, oR You'Re JusT WaStiNg YouR TiMe... But Anyway, I EnJoy ChiLLiN WiT My FrieNdS JuSt BuGGiN OuT,...AlwAyS TrYiNg tO MaKe tHe BeSt oF ThiNgS aNd MaKe FuN oUT oF WaTeVeR I DoO...I Enjoy Spending Time With My Sister And Bar-Hopping Downtown.

My Interests


I am interested in anything that has me spending time productively..I truly enjoy spending time with my sister and my two year old nephew..He is a handful but a learning experience at the same time. Its funny how you can learn so much from a two year old and the time you spend with them. I have learned in the past nine months that Family is the most important thing in my life and friends for sure come and go. I enjoy live music, Time in the sun, And driving around nice days.


I'd like to meet:

I am open to meeting new people. I prefer to spend my time with people who truly care for their friends. Thats something that I pride myself on. I wont call myself your friend unless I feel that I would do anything I could to help you out in a time of need. People us the word "friend" way too loosely. Friends are people who care for each other and are ALWAYS there regardless of the situation. A favorite quote of mine is: *Friendship Isnt About Who You've Known The Longest, Its About Who Came And Never Left Your Side!?!




I would have to say that music is by far my greatest inspiration. It's something that allows me to see things in another persective. I listen to almost every type of music...I like anything that has a good message or something that is heart felt...I am not big on the "snap your fingers" movement...I need to have depth in the music I listen to. Other than that, the vocals need to be there or I just cant do it. I would definately admit I am a sucker for some R and B.


Dont Laugh, But My All-Time Favorite Movie is Hocus Pocus












^She Is Amazing. Get On It Bitches


This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? using original artwork by Marah Johnson. Go get one!

My Blog

Ah Yes.. Home

Here is 10 Things Lawrence has to offer you ONLY miss when you are gone.   1. Steak & Cheese Subs.. 2. Chinese Food.3. Spanish Food.4. TRIPOLI's Pizza. 5. Puerto Ricans 6. Dominicans 7.Traffi...
Posted by Ms New Booty on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 12:41:00 PST


One thing that really pisses me off is people who claim to be REAL friends. People who are there with you every single day because you have things to offer.... People who tell you everything that you ...
Posted by Ms New Booty on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 03:33:00 PST