Running, Marathon training, Surfing, Snowboarding, Baseball, Football, home improvement, skin care, fashion, chillin...oh and now golfin with pops
Oprah so I can check her on how most of her stories are one sided and east coast centric. Phew I got that off my chest finally.
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unfortunately i watch way too much of the idiot box
got a list coming
2coolphoto / Layouts , Frazy.comAdam Simon, my brother is my hero because he lives life with no regrets and has had to deal with some obstacles with his life dream, but he has shown me that nothing is insurmountable if you believe you can overcome it. He truly is inspiration to all those out there about what it means to remain focused, determined, and disciplined to get what you want out of life. I'm sure having a kick ass family has helped him get there.My daddy is my hero because he has shown me my whole life what a man truly is. Without him I would be lost. He's my ..1 supporter. He always believes in me no matter what challenge I am facing. I wish everyone could say that they knew their father and have the positive relationship that I am so fortunate to have with him. He sacrificed so much so that me and my bro could be the successful young adults we are.My mama is my hero because she hasn't had it easy in life, but at the end of day has always reminded me that with family blood-related or not whatever you consider your family to be, that nothing is impossible. She has shown me the strength of a hundred women in the hardest of times, and I only hope that when I'm faced with life's greatest challenges that I can be at least half the woman she is.My grandpa is my hero because when he could of easily given up on life he didn't. And managed to face death and say I'm not ready yet. With all the people he's loved so dearly that he has lost in his life you would think that he would of given up, but he didn't. And I'm glad he's still here because there is so much I want to know about him.My 3 cousins who live in Japan, Jin, Kai and Ines. Eventhough I haven't seen them in way too long. They have had to overcome some things that we as adults will never have to face in life. I pray for them everyday because I don't know what it's like living without my parents and not being able to be with family thousands and thousands of miles away. I love them with all my heart. And know that god is watching over them and that they have two angels looking over them.