About Me
One day in the beginning of the year 2002, in a small and damp rehearsalroom located somewhere in the town of Falun, Sweden, three musicians without anything better to do decided to kill some time with a rehearsal session. Erik Skoglund (former in FIVE MORE VICTIMS), Björn Åström (drummer of BLUDGE) and Ola Berg (former bass player of WITHOUT GRIEF) felt after playing a couple of hours that a band should be formed. After completing two songs the band and the style of music was a fact. Naming the band after the first song they had written, the grindcore ensemble GRIDLOCK saw the light of day.After another session they felt that the sound was lacking a pair of strings so, Nicklas Lindh (who had played with Ola in WITHOUT GRIEF) was asked to join and he accepted. Shortly after that a two-song demo was recorded. It was never intended to be sent to any labels or magazines, instead the band concentrated on writing more material.Now with Lindhs membership the band started include influences from genres such as death and thrash into their already brutal sound. In addition to the creation of new material the band also started the search for a new name. Since the original name GRIDLOCK was, mildly put, overrepresented in the metalscene. But after stumbling on a newspaper article about a group of kids in Australia who in pure boredom had started to amuse themselves with arson, the hunt for a name was over. The headline of the article read: 21 LUCIFERS.After concluding one gig and another demo recording Erik felt that he would rather concentrate solely on the vocals instead of both vocals and guitar. So another old WITHOUT GRIEF member, Tobias Ols, is asked to join. And with his acceptance the line-up is finally completed. So the now five men strong ensemble book two days worth of recording time at Jonas Kjellgrens Black Lounge studio. The result: a five-track demo entitled, "Retaliation".After receiving nothing but good reviews for their debut demo the band started to work on their next release, mixing this with frequent live performances. Since their first visit at Black Lounge proved to be a success the ambition was to record the second demo there also. This was not as easy as it first would appear. After numerous obstacles like sickness, bands who were not able to keep their recording schedule and other shit the demo was just about to be put on tape when the drummer, and one of the founding members, BJ decided that he wanted to put the drumming on the shelf and quit the band.
The issue of a replacement was discussed and the former live session drummer Olle Ferner was asked to join and accepted.
But the changes didnt stop there. With just one week away from the recording the bass player Ola Berg also decided to leave the band. The recording still went on as planned now with Erik both on bass and vocals. Shortly after the demo was completed the line-up once again was complete, this with the addition of the thin but oh so evil Per Sodomizer Eriksson (now in BLOODBATH) reliving Erik from the burden of bass.The second demo, Hope Fades reicived only good reviews and the band managed to land a contract with Pulverised Records.21 LUCIFERS finally releases their first full lenght album. "IN THE NAME OF..." Recorded and produced in BLACK LOUNGE STUDIOS by Jonas Kjellgren ( former vocalist of CARNAL FORGE active guitarist of SCAR SYMMETRYetc.) where he also recorded bands such as CARNAL FORGE, CENTINEX, SCAR SYMMETRY, INCAPACITY etc. Prepare to get knocked out by this explosion of hyper-agressive lyrics, furious speed, catchy hooks and bursting breakdowns.