Mr Choupah Inc. profile picture

Mr Choupah Inc.

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorWell, this isnt really a side project, its just music that i do by myself when im triping, or drunk, aor fucked up!
i do all the instrument, from the guitars to the orgasm sounds, so all the credit goes to My fucking self.
wow, isnt Mr Choupah the coolest, Would you fuck him? I'ld fuck him!
i record stuff that i have in my head, or some videogames music or anything that sounds good to me. im planing on covering some stuff like jesica simpson and shakira leter, so keep in tune.

My Interests


Member Since: 24/02/2006
Band Members: drums: Mr Choupah...
guitar 1: Choupy...
guitar 2: Choups...
samples: The yellow Choupies...
Vocals: El Choupahkabras...
Giving head: Unknown Slut...
Keeping Mr Choupah Satisfied: Price Less...

Influences: Pikachu!
Type of Label: Major

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